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How to Use

Rado1 edited this page Mar 15, 2015 · 1 revision

Usage in ZGameEditor project

  1. Open an ZGE project.
  2. Include ZExternalLibrary component for ZgeSkelet library to the OnLoaded section of ZApplication. It can be found in the context menu Add from library... > External libraries > Skeletal animation library of the Project tree.
  3. Create core model(s) by the zsk_CreateCoreModel() function. This initialization phase is usually placed either to the OnLoaded section of ZApplication or OnStart section of AppState component.
  4. Load core skeleton, animations, meshes and materials by zsk_Load*() functions. They can either be loaded from files directly, or from memory buffer (see the zsk_Load*Buffer() variants). Memory buffers are byte arrays which can either be preloaded and persistent (so they are included in the ZGE project "statically") or can be loaded dynamically by File+FileAction components. Memory buffers must be used if you build your application for Android; because zsk_Load*() functions are working only on Windows.
  5. After loading materials, prepare the material threads and sets by zsk_CreateCoreMaterialThread() and zsk_SetCoreMaterialId() functions. They are used later to set or dynamically change "skins" of animated models. To understand material threads and sets, see the Cal3D User's Guide for details.
  6. The natural way (but not the only one) of using instances of animated models is to wrap them to ZGE's Model components because they have similar life cycles. To create a model instance, use the zsk_CreateModelInstance() function. Then attach already loaded meshes to it by zsk_AttachMesh() and set the material set used for initial rendering of model by zsk_AttachMesh() function. All this procedure is usually placed to the OnSpawn section of the Model component.
  7. To start cyclic animation use the zsk_BlendAnimCycle() function and to start action animation, use the zsk_ExecuteAction() function. If animations represent initial state of the model instance, they are placed to its OnSpawn section, and if animations should be changed on runtime, they are placed to the OnUpdate section of the corresponding Model component.
  8. To change the mesh of the animated model in time, use the zsk_Update() function in the model's OnUpdate section. To achieve real-time animation, use ZApplication.DeltaTime property as value of the deltaTime argument. The simulated animation time can also be slower than real, e.g. ZApplication.DeltaTime / 2, or faster, e.g., ZApplication.DeltaTime * 2.
  9. To render meshes of the animated model use the predefined functions which allow effective OpenGL rendering by means of Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs).
  10. For models rendered with no or one texture, use the zsk_RenderModelInstance() function placed in the OnRender section. Do not forget to set the used material by UseMaterial component. If materials of the animated model define different colors, you can set the bSetColor argument to 1 to make different colors visible on the rendered meshes. If the model uses texture, put it to the used material's (by MaterialTexture}} component) and set the {{{bRenderTexture argument to 1. See the sources of ZgeSkeletDemo1.zgeproj project as an example of usage the zsk_RenderModelInstance() function.
  11. For multi-textured models use the zsk_RenderSubmesh() function which allows to render a single sub-mesh (a part of the model's mesh drawn with a single material). To draw all of the model's sub-meshes, you must obtain their numbers for each of the model's mesh by means of the zsk_GetSubmeshCount() function. To query a material attached to a sub-mesh, use either the zsk_GetSubmeshTexture() function which returns a file name of the 1st of the material's textures, or use more effective zsk_GetSubmeshUserMaterialId() function which returns the material's user ID previously specified in corresponding call of the zsk_LoadMaterial*() function. See the sources of ZgeSkeletDemo2.zgeproj project as an example of multi-textured skinned animated models.
  12. When a model finishes its life, place the zsk_DestroyModelInstance to its OnRemove section.
  13. When there will be no other instance of a given core model used (in a given game stage), call the zsk_DestroyCoreModel() function. This is usually done in the OnClose section of the ZAppliaction component, or OnLeave section of AppState component.

For examples of usage ZgeSkelet in ZGE projects, download the demo applications from here.

Compiling Android application

  1. Compile your Android application, e.g., use Project / Android: Build APK (debug) menu item.
  2. Place file to the libs/armeabi folder. If the destination device supports the armv7a instruction set, it is recommended to use the library from file. If not and you want to support wider range of devices, use the library from file. They both work fine, but the version for armv7a achieves better performance.
  3. Compile the APK again as in step 1.
  4. Deploy the APK file to your Android device and install it in a standard way.

Note 1: The 1st and 2nd steps are required only when the application is built the first time. After that, a single compilation produces correct APK.

Note 2: Use the step 2 also in the case when updating to a newer version of the ZgeSkelet library.

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