A layered_hardware implementation for the Gazebo simulator, which contains 2 types of plugins;
- GazeboLayeredHardware: a layered_hardware node running on a robot in the Gazebo simulator (as a Gazebo's model plugin)
- gazebo_joint_layer: a ros_control layer plugin running in the node above and driving joints in the virtual robot
See layered_hardware to understand the layered scheme.
Several features missing in the gazebo_ros_control package has been supported.
This pkg | gazebo_ros_control | |
Types of joint hw interface | Any | Pos, Vel, or Eff |
Num of hw interfaces per joint | 1+ | 1 |
Joint operation modes | 10+ (including mimic modes) | 4 (pos, pos_pid, vel, or eff) |
Online switching of joint operation modes | Yes | No |
Initial joint position config | Yes | No |
- a layered_hardware node running on a robot in the Gazebo simulator (as a Gazebo's model plugin)
control_frequency (double, default: 10.0)
- frequency of control step (reading from the layers, updating the controllers, and writing to the layers) in Hz with respect to the simulation time
robot_description or <node_ns>/robot_description (string, default: "")
- robot description in URDF
- if both given, robot_description will be used
layers (string array, required)
- names of layers from upper (controller-side) to bottom (actuator-side)
<layer>/type (string, required)
- lookup name for each layer plugin like 'layered_hardware/JointLimitsLayer' or 'layered_hardware_gazebo/GazeboJointLayer'
- a ros_control layer plugin for GazeboLayeredHardware, which implements state & command interfaces for joints in a robot model in the Gazebo simulator
joints (struct, required)
- joint parameters (see below)
operation_mode_map (map<string, string>, required)
- map from ROS's controller names to joint operation mode names
- possible operation mode names are 'effort', 'fixed', 'fixed_pid', 'mimic', 'mimic_pid', 'passive', 'position', 'position_pid', 'posvel', 'posvel_pid', 'velocity', & 'velocity_pid'
fixed_pid, mimic_pid, position_pid, posvel_pid, velocity_pid (struct, required when corresponding modes are used)
- PID parameters which can be loaded by control_toolbox::Pid
initial_position (double, optional)
- initial position of the joint