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Alex Zimin edited this page Jul 11, 2011 · 3 revisions

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Nemerle 0.9 and SVN trunk/snapshots

Note that the current compiler version in trunk repository is a very hot software with support for .NET 2.0 generics.


You can now use the released version of .NET 2.0 with Nemerle.

You need runtime and optionally SDK. Installing SDK is a good idea if you want Framework documentation and development tools. It is a necessity if you're going to compile from sources.


Because of a MS. NET Bug we cannot correctly emit IL for the following code:

interface IMap ['a] {
   Remove (x : 'a) : IMap ['a];

class Map ['a] : IMap ['a]
   // note that this method returns a subtype of IMap['a]
   public Remove (x : 'a) : Map ['a] {

You can still use Mono to generate code. It will run fine on MS .NET.


Mono 1.1.11+ or SVN trunk.

Nemerle 0.3


You can check if you already have both of them installed in Add/Remove Software in Control Panel.


A reasonably new version of Mono.

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