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Common code patterns tutorial

jellicle edited this page Aug 8, 2011 · 1 revision

We will write some example code, so you can see some common code patterns when writing programs in Nemerle.

Small app with array and Hashtable

Let us create an array and print its elements walking through it in loop.

using System.Console;

module MyApp
   Main () : void
     // create an array containing strings (array [string])
     def elements = array ["{0}", "a {0} a", "{0}", "b {0}", "b {0}"];

     // iterate through elements of array
     for (mutable i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
       // print current value of `i' with using format from array
       WriteLine (elements [i], i);

The keys stored in elements array looks a little bit strange, but we will use WriteLine method as a good example of processing key together with value associated to it.

Counting unique elements

We will now make the collection of keys unique. For this purpose we will use generic dictionary type, which in Nemerle is called Nemerle.Collections.Hashtable.

using Nemerle.Collections;
using System.Console;

module MyApp
   Main () : void
     // create an array containing strings (array [string])
     def elements = array ["{0}", "a {0} a", "{0}", "b {0}", "b {0}"];

     def hash = Hashtable ();

     // count the number of occurrences of each unique element
     foreach (e in elements)
       unless (hash.Contains (e))
         hash[e] = 0;

       hash[e] += 1;

     // print each element with number indicating its total count
     foreach (keypair in hash) {
       WriteLine (keypair.Key, keypair.Value);

For each entry in hashtable we store the number of how many times it occured.

What about functional programming?

Ok, iterating over collection with foreach is nice, but it is still *too long*!

// print each element with number indicating its total count
foreach (keypair in hash)
  WriteLine (keypair.Key, keypair.Value);

// pass matching overload of WriteLine to iteration method
hash.Iter (WriteLine)

Hashtable have the special Iter overload, which takes a generic two-argument function, which will be called for every element stored in collection. The declaration of Iter looks like this:

class Hashtable ['a, 'b] 
   public Iter (f : 'a * 'b -> void) : void 
   { ... }

and after substituting 'a and 'b with actual types in our hash, we just use it as Iter : (string * int -> void) -> void, which takes string * int -> void function as the only argument.

And one more way of iterating over a Hashtable is to query KeyValuePairs property and use pairs of key and value in foreach statement:

foreach( (key, value) in hash.KeyValuePairs)
  WriteLine(key, value);
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