Simple but working Sketch helping to generate stopmotion films by capturing images from an usb-webcam. I quickly wrote it for a StopMotion-Workshop for kids because there weren't many free/working/easy2use Applications around. There's a lot to improve, but it's working.
The program captures jpeg-images and saves them under /%ProgramDir%/data/images/%timestamp%/
Use the MovieMaker (Processing>Tools>MovieMaker) to generate a QuickTime-Movie file out of it.
Runs on: Win/Mac/Linux.
Written in: Processing.
- Onion Skinning (wikipedia)
- Auto-Saving
- Movie Export (instead: use the MovieMaker-Tool provided by Processing or a Video-Editor)
- Anything exceeding the absolute minimum.
= take picture
= quit
= switch to next camera source (version: StopMotion_v_2017-07-08.pde)
= switch to last camera source (version: StopMotion_v_2017-07-08.pde)
- plug an USB-WebCam into your computer
- download processing: and run it
- install library "video | gstreamer-based video library for Processing." (Tools>add Tolls>Libraries)
- run sketch (or export it)
Successfully run on...
- Win (win7)
- Mac
- Linux (Ubuntu)
Terminal > sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-0