- OS: Arch Linux
- WM: i3
- status bar: polybar
- Shell: zsh
- Terminal: kitty
- Cholor schemes: flavours (read below)
- Text editor: Neovim
- Screenshots: shotgun + hacksaw
- rofi:
- rofimoji
- rofi-calc
- fetches:
- neofetch
- bunnyfetch
- preferred login manager: lightdm-mini-greeter (needs lightdm, accountsservice, and some config)
- notifications: dunst
- fuzzy search: fzf
- For preview: exa, bat, timg
- i3lock-multimonitor for locking on more than one screen (aliased to
) - optimus-manager to control discrete GPU (and it's conf in order to use nouveau in intel mode and access external monitors)
- python
- rustup (and then run
rustup default stable
) - git
- networkmanager
- ripgrep
- fd
- xclip
- xdotool
- xsettingsd
- openssh
- keychain
- usbutils
- pulseaudio
- pulseaudio-bluetooth (for wireless headphones)
- ttf-jetbrains-mono
- nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono
- jq (layout_manager dependency)
- htop
- ungoogled-chromium-bin
- ffmpeg
- man-db
- xorg-xbacklight
- bluez
- bluez-utils
- noto-fonts-cjk
- noto-fonts-emoji
- ttf-dejavu (polybar emoji)
- tree-sitter-cli (auto install treesitter langs)
- keyd (key remaps)
- firefox
- thunderbird
- telegram-desktop
- discord
- spotify (last I installed the AUR package was broken, check AUR page for how to fix)
- feh
Loot at zsh/example-zshenv and copy it to /etc/zsh/zshenv.
Also give executable permission to all the scripts:
chmod -R +x ~/.config/zsh/bin
chmod -R +x ~/.config/polybar/plugins
chmod -R +x ~/.config/dunst
For the polybar weather plugin to work copy and paste the API key from
into $HOME/.owm-key
In weather/weather-plugin.sh
change CITYNAME and COUNTRYCODE if necessary.
Or leave empty for it to be based on IP (doesn't seem to work well :/ ).
I have a sane default color scheme, but to be able to switch to other pretty color schemes you need to install flavours. Then run:
flavours update all
Requires vencord
Requires zip
and convert
To activate the theme, inside Telegram go to Settings > Chat Settings > Choose from file > ~/.config/telegram/base16.tdesktop-theme
Requires installation of spicetify. After installing run:
sudo chmod a+wr /opt/spotify
sudo chmod a+wrx /opt/spotify/Apps -R
spicetify backup apply
Then run:
spicetify config current_theme Ziro
spicetify config color_scheme base16
spicetify apply
In case spicetify theme breaks install the community themes (spicetify-themes-git
in the AUR). Then copy:
cp /usr/share/spicetify-cli/Themes/Ziro/user.css Themes/Ziro
cp /usr/share/spicetify-cli/Themes/Ziro/color.ini Themes/Ziro
and fix any incongruencies between Themes/Ziro/color.ini
and flavours/templates/spicetify/templates/Ziro.mustache
I created a script called theme
that lets you switch amongst some custom themes that automatically set the background and i3lock images.
To add a theme to this script edit ~/.config/zsh/.themes
and add your own themes.
The format of this file must be <base16 scheme>:<wallpaper img>
So the theme must have the same name as a base16 scheme (that must be available
to flavours apply <scheme>
) and the name of a wallpaper image that's inside
~/.config/wallpapers must be provided.
ln -s ~/.config/.Xresources ~/.Xresources
ln -s ~/.config/.Xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
ln -s ~/.config/keyd/default.conf /etc/keyd/default.conf
ln -s ~/.config/optimus-manager.conf /etc/optimus-manager/optimus-manager.conf
mkdir -p ~/.themes
ln -s ~/.config/FlatColor ~/.themes/FlatColor
ln -s ~/.config/.gtkrc-2.0 ~/.gtkrc-2.0
Copy the necessary udev rules from udev into /etc/udev/rules.d
sudo cp ~/.config/udev/backlight.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
Add yourself to the necessary groups (this is for user igna
sudo usermod -aG video,keyd igna
In order for this system to work with displays with different resolutions and DPIs, the following is done:
- Normally DPI is set to the default of 96
- If connecting an external display that has a larger resolution that 1920 then the DPI is set accordingly inside
- The screens that are a different res get xrandr scaling to look normal.
- You should restart apps to get them to adjust to new DPI.
I use keyd
specifically for remapping stuff for WoW.
The rest is mapped inside Xmodmap, Win+Ctrl+l should set it. (see i3 config)
Because framework is HiDPI with a weird resolution, for simplicity to keep the
screen at 1920, add the following resolution mode inside /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-display.conf
for example.
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "eDP-1"
Modeline "1920x1280_60.00" 206.25 1920 2056 2256 2592 1280 1283 1293 1327 -hsync +vsync
Option "PreferredMode" "1920x1280_60.00"
Add the following kernel parameter in /boot/loader/entries/XX.conf
in the options
( Change suspend mode to suspend 2 RAM which is much more efficient )
Add the following kernel parameter in /boot/loader/entries/XX.conf
in the options
( disable panel self refresh which causes periodic freezes )
Doing this will worsen battery life so only do it if necessary.
Add file /etc/modprobe.d/framework-als-deactivate.conf
with the following contents:
blacklist hid_sensor_hub
for brightness keys to be detected. This disables the light sensor.
This is my preferred config for the touchpad, write the following to a file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "tap touchpad instead of hard regions"
Driver "libinput"
MatchIsTouchpad "on"
Option "Tapping" "on"
Option "TappingButtonMap" "lrm"
Option "TappingDrag" "on"
Option "TappingDragLock" "on"
Option "ClickMethod" "clickfinger"
Option "ClickMethod" "buttonareas"
Option "ScrollMethod" "twofinger"
Option "DisableWhileTyping" 1
Requires installation of libinput
Beacause this repo isn't being symlinked into .config but is instead the .config itself:
git config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
Because you'll constantly have the colorscheme config files for each program show up in git status
unless you tell git to ignore changes on these:
git update-index --skip-worktree i3/client-properties kitty/colors.conf nvim/lua/plugins/nvim-base16/colors.lua polybar/base16.ini polybar/dpi.ini polybar/plugins/weather-colors.sh rofi/theme.rasi rofi/dpi.rasi zathura/zathurarc FlatColor/colors2 FlatColor/colors3 Vencord/themes/DiscordRecolor.theme.css flavours/common/colors.sh spicetify/Themes/Ziro/color.ini .Xresources dunst/dunstrc
TF2 is borked on Arch Linux, to get it working correctly do 2 things:
Note: I think this isn't necessary anymore since TF2 got a 64bit update. Remove if I ever test it out.
- Install
from AUR and setLD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libtcmalloc_minimal.so:$LD_PRELOAD %command% -novid -windowed
in the TF2 launch options. - Check the
Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool
option and set it toSteam Linux Runtime 1.0 (scout)
Stuff I'd like to add/upgrade but haven't had the time to:
- Rice Rofi
- Use
for a nicer status bar, power menu, timer
- Make telegram scheme more light-theme friendly
- Look for a better spotify theme