This project, designed for mapping random strings to given identifiers. For example with given identifier c96e40ed-1a06-427b-9c2d-a85ebea7d9e8
is mapped to random x length of string (HPI05VM) for y seconds.
Application does not handle any authentication nor authorization and it's designed for single instance use only.
Generated codes stores in memory, because of that, any time service is down, your codes will go down.
Application configurable through environment variables.
Example client can be found in client.go
syntax = "proto3";
package otcgo;
option go_package = "grpc;grpc";
message OneTimeCodeGen {
string identifier = 1;
message ReadCodeReq {
string value = 1;
message OneTimeCodeResponse {
string identifier = 1;
int64 expiresAt = 2;
string value = 3;
service OneTimeCodeService {
rpc CreateCode(OneTimeCodeGen) returns (OneTimeCodeResponse) {}
rpc ReadCode(ReadCodeReq) returns (OneTimeCodeResponse) {}
You can run docker run --rm -e CODE_EXP=5 -p 9000:9000 yigitsadic/onetimecodego:latest
For client: go run client.go