The strc package provides utilities for working with strings in Go.
To install the strc package, use the go get
go get
Import the strc package in your code and call the functions as needed:
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "hello, world"
titleCaseStr := strc.ToTitleCase(str)
fmt.Println(titleCaseStr) // Output: "Hello, World"
The strc package provides the following functions:
The ToTitleCase function converts a string to title case.
ToTitleCase(str string) string
The PadSpaceToRight function pads spaces to the right of the given string.
PadSpaceToRight(str string, len int) string
strc.ToTitleCase("this does title cases") // output: This Does Title Cases
strc.PadSpaceToRight("123", 6) // output: This will add 3 spaces to the right of "123"
The strc package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.