Nestingnote is a platform-independent terminal-based text-editor for outlining. It's capable of creating collapsable nested lists and matrices ideal for organizing notes and data.
Most controls are intuitive, e.g., all printable keys insert that character, arrow keys, home, end, page up, and page down all move the cursor appropriately. However, there are a few special controls introduced by nestingnote:
- Tab: at the beginning of a line will indent the line, starting an inner nested list. Within the line, tab will split the line into fields similar to columns in a matrix.
- Ctrl+k: toggles whether the current item in the nested list is collapsed, meaning that all items nested beneath it are hidden.
- Ctrl+w: save the edits
- install nestingnote
python3 -m pip install nestingnote
- create alias (for convenience)
echo "alias nestingnote='python3 -m nestingnote'" >> ~/.bash_aliases source ~/.bash_aliasees
- Execution
python3 -m nestingnote \path\to\my\notes