Main Features
- Read/Write .hmap files
- Display elevation level, territories, biomes, tile types, strategic resources, luxury resources, natural wonders
- Display, randomize and edit player spawn points (including order)
- Fix corrupted saves after adding landmarks in the map editor
Open bhktools.sln using Visual Studio 2017 or later then build solution :)
All dependencies but the SFML have been copied to this repo, you will need to set an environment variable named $(SFML) pointing to your SFML install in order to compile.
i.e. SFML=G:\SFML\SFML-2.5.1
- Fix pink screen when opening map because of new (?) GLSL shader compilation errors
- Change global UI scale
- Fix some natural wonders not showing
- Can now increase max player count up to 10
- Offset map
- Refactor bitmap import/export to use 2D arrays
- Added multi-map support
- Maps are displayed inside an ImGui window rather than the backbuffer directly
- Fix corrupted zip file export
- Export player spawn locations
- Randomize player spawn order
- Export "UseMapCycling"
- Export "UseProceduralMountainChains"
- Display player spawns
- Improve heightfield and territory shader to show continent and island shapes better
- Increase max shader read buffer size from 4k to 16k to handle bigger files
- Display tile type
- Resource counters
- Hide unselected natural wonders
- Fix crash with ImGui::TreePop when some controls were collapsed
- Fix resource draw order
- Clean unused menus
- Replicate hexes distortion on textures and icons
- Refactor menus
- Display natural wonders as ressources with custom colors
- Refactor shaders (per-texel vs. global flags)
- Refactor map save
- Display natural wonders
- Save .hmap files
- Remove landmarks at save to fix corrupted save files
- Display resource icons
- Change mouse pan to left button to match the in-game editor
- Display territory biomes
- Improve shaders
- Add shader manager
- Display territory borders
- Pan & Zoom using SFML views
- Improve the "Debug" window and add an "Help" window
- Switch to light theme
- Add camera pan using left mouse button
- Add menu for tool windows
- Fix docking issue with tool windows
- Initial commit
- Open .hmap file and decode data
- SFML >= 2.5.0
- Dear ImGui >= 1.80
- ImGui-SFML >= 2.3+
- ImGui-Addons
- miniz-cpp
- TinyXML-2
- Base64
- stb