System Settings is a plugin that provides a convenient way to store and retrieve system configuration settings in the database. The plugin provides a single model SystemSetting with two properties name+, and value+ Names must be unique whereas values have no such restriction.
To create and retrieve system settings, the usual active record operations can be used:
SystemSetting.create(:name => "environment", :value => "production") SystemSetting.find_by_name("environment") # => "production" SystemSetting[:environment] # => "production"
Note that you can lookup a system setting using either a string or a symbol.
You have two choices for installation. The first uses a gem (recommended):
config.gem "harukizaemon-system_settings", :lib => "system_settings", :source => ""
Or you can use the Rails plugin
$ ruby script/plugin install git://
Once installed, System Settings requires the creation of a single table. You may choose to perform this step manually, or use the generator provided. To use the generator, run:
./script/generate system_settings_migration
This will generate an appropriately numbered migration script named NNN_create_system_settings.rb
in the db/migrate
directory. The next time you run rake migrate, the table will automatically be created for you.
If you would prefer a different name for the script, simply pass the name as an argument. For example:
./script/generate system_settings_migration create_the_system_settings_table
The plugin fully supports and understands the following active-record configuration properties:
This plugin is copyright 2009 by Simon Harris and is released under the MIT license.