Please enter the following commands to set up the virtual environment
Django setup
#Inside KPZ-2021-MEETING-SCHEDULER directory:
#Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
#Activate created venv
source venv/bin/activate
#Install packages with pip package manager
pip install -r requirements.txt
#Export secret key, the example below is used only for development phase and should not be used in production
export SECRET=key
export SECRET_GOOGLE=secret_from_google_console
export CLIENT_ID=client_id_from_google_console
export REDIRECT_URI=http://localhost:3000
#Change directory and run django app
cd meeting_scheduler && python runserver
#If you work with fish, then replace first command with
#cd source venv/bin/
React setup
#Inside KPZ-2021-MEETING-SCHEDULER directory:
#Change to React project directory
cd react_meeting_scheduler
#Create local variable in .env file, copy Google API Key from Google console
echo REACT_APP_GOOGLE_KEY=your_google_api_key > .env
npm install
npm start
Please remember about adding new packages to requirements.txt file.