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editable geojson layer

Georgios Karnas edited this page Mar 21, 2019 · 1 revision


The Editable GeoJSON layer accepts a GeoJSON FeatureCollection and renders the features as editable polygons, lines, and points.

import DeckGL from '';
import { EditableGeoJsonLayer } from '';

const myFeatureCollection = {
  type: 'FeatureCollection',
  features: [
    /* insert features here */

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    mode: 'modify',
    selectedFeatureIndexes: [0],
    data: myFeatureCollection

  render() {
    const layer = new EditableGeoJsonLayer({
      id: 'geojson-layer',
      mode: this.state.mode,
      selectedFeatureIndexes: this.state.selectedFeatureIndexes,

      onEdit: ({ updatedData }) => {
          data: updatedData,

    return <DeckGL {...this.props.viewport} layers={[layer]} />;


Inherits all's Base Layer properties.

data (Object, optional)

  • Default: null

A GeoJSON FeatureCollection object. The following types of geometry are supported:

  • Point
  • LineString
  • Polygon
  • MultiPoint
  • MultiLineString
  • MultiPolygon
  • GeometryCollection is not supported.

Note: passing a single Feature is not supported. However, you can pass a FeatureCollection containing a single Feature and pass selectedFeatureIndexes: [0] to achieve the same result.

mode (String, optional)

  • Default: modify

The mode property dictates which ModeHandler from the modeHandlers prop will be used to handle user interaction events (e.g. pointer events) in order to accomplish edits. See mode handlers overview for a description of the built-in modes.

modeConfig (Object, optional)

  • Default: null

An arbitraty object used to further configure the current ModeHandler.

modeHandlers (Object, optional)

A object containing a mapping of mode name (string) to an instance of a ModeHandler.


For example, you can use this to provide your own custom ModeHandler:

  modeHandlers: {
    myCustomMode: new MyCustomModeHandler()

selectedFeaturesIndexes (Array, optional)

  • Default: []

The selectedFeatueIndexes property distinguishes which features to treat as selected.

  • Features are identified by their index in the collection.

  • Selection of a feature causes style accessors to render a different style, defined in function such as getLineColor and getFillColor.

  • Selected features in mode modify will render edit handles. Only one feature may be selected while in mode drawLineString or drawPolygon to draw a feature.

onEdit (Function, optional)

The onEdit event is the core event provided by this layer and must be handled in order to accept and render edits. The event argument includes the following properties:

  • updatedData (Object): A new FeatureCollection with the edit applied.

    • To accept the edit as is, supply this object into the data prop on the next render cycle (e.g. by calling React's setState function)

    • To reject the edit, do nothing

    • You may also supply a modified version of this object into the data prop on the next render cycle (e.g. if you have your own snapping logic).

  • editType (String): The type of edit requested. One of:

    • movePosition: A position was moved.

    • addPosition: A position was added (either at the beginning, middle, or end of a feature's coordinates).

    • removePosition: A position was removed. Note: it may result in multiple positions being removed in order to maintain valid GeoJSON (e.g. removing a point from a triangular hole will remove the hole entirely).

    • addFeature: A new feature was added. Its index is reflected in featureIndexes

    • finishMovePosition: A position finished moving (e.g. user finished dragging).

    • scaling: A feature is being scaled.

    • scaled: A feature finished scaling (increase/decrease) (e.g. user finished dragging).

    • rotating: A feature is being rotated.

    • rotated: A feature finished rotating (e.g. user finished dragging).

    • translating: A feature is being translated.

    • translated: A feature finished translating (e.g. user finished dragging).

    • startExtruding: An edge started extruding (e.g. user started dragging).

    • extruding: An edge is extruding.

    • extruded: An edge finished extruding (e.g. user finished dragging).

    • split: A feature finished splitting.

  • featureIndexes (Array<number>): The indexes of the edited/added features.

  • editContext (Object): null or an object containing additional context about the edit. This is populated by the active mode handler, see mode handlers overview.


Consider the user removed the third position from a Polygon's first ring, and that Polygon was the fourth feature in the FeatureCollection. The event argument would look like:

  updatedData: {...},
  editType: 'removePosition',
  featureIndexes: [3],
  editContext: {
    positionIndexes: [1, 2],
    position: null

pickable (Boolean, optional)

  • Default: true

Defaulted to true for interactivity.

GeoJsonLayer Options

The following properties from GeoJsonLayer are supported and function the same:

  • filled
  • stroked
  • lineWidthScale
  • lineWidthMinPixels
  • lineWidthMaxPixels
  • lineJointRounded
  • lineMiterLimit
  • pointRadiusScale
  • pointRadiusMinPixels
  • pointRadiusMaxPixels
  • lineDashJustified
  • fp64

The following accessors function the same, but can accept additional arguments:

  • getLineColor
  • getFillColor
  • getRadius
  • getLineWidth
  • getLineDashArray

The additional arguments (in order) are:

  • feature: the given feature
  • isSelected: indicates if the given feature is a selected feature
  • mode: the current value of the mode prop

Tentative Features

While creating a new feature in any of the draw modes, portion of a feature which has not been "committed" yet can hold its own props. For example, in drawLineString mode, the tentative feature is the last line segment moving under the mouse. For polygons and ellipses, this would be the whole feature during drawing. Define the properties with the following accessors:

  • getTentativeLineColor
  • getTentativeFillColor
  • getTentativeLineWidth
  • getTentativeLineDashArray

The following accessors default to the same values as the existing feature accessors above. The arguments in order:

  • feature: the segment/polygon that represents the tentative feature
  • mode: the current value of the mode prop

Edit Handles

Edit handles are the points rendered on a feature to indicate interactive capabilities (e.g. vertices that can be moved).

  • type (String): either existing for existing positions or intermediate for positions half way between two other positions.

editHandleType (String, optional)

  • Default: point

  • point: Edit handles endered as points

  • icons: Edit handles rendered as provided icons

Edit handle objects can be represented by either points or icons. editHandlePoint... are proxies for the ScatterplotLayer props, and editHandleIcon... are proxies for the IconLayer props.

editHandleParameters (Object, optional)

  • Default: {}

  • Set parameters for handles (eg. depthTest, blend)

editHandlePointRadiusScale (Number, optional)

  • Default: 1

editHandlePointOutline (Boolean, optional)

  • Default: false

editHandlePointStrokeWidth (Number, optional)

  • Default: 1

editHandlePointRadiusMinPixels (Number, optional)

  • Default: 4

editHandlePointRadiusMaxPixels (Number, optional)

  • Default: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER

getEditHandlePointColor (Function | Array, optional)

  • Default: handle => handle.type === 'existing' ? [0xc0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff] : [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80]

getEditHandlePointRadius (Function | Number, optional)

  • Default: handle => (handle.type === 'existing' ? 5 : 3)

editHandleIconAtlas (Texture2D | String, optional)

  • Default: null

Atlas image url or texture.

editHandleIconMapping (Object | String, optional)

  • Default: null

Icon names mapped to icon definitions. See Icon Layer.

editHandleIconSizeScale (Number | optional)

  • Default: null

Edit handle icon size multiplier.

getEditHandleIcon (Function, optional)

  • Default: handle => handle.type

Method called to retrieve the icon name of each edit handle, returns string.

getEditHandleIconSize (Function | Number, optional)

  • Default: 10

The height of each edit handle, in pixels.

getEditHandleIconColor (Function | Array, optional)

  • Default: handle => handle.type === 'existing' ? [0xc0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff] : [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x80]

getEditHandleIconAngle (Function | Number, optional)

  • Default: 0

The rotating angle of each object, in degrees.


These methods can be overridden in a derived class in order to customize event handling.


The pointer went down and up without dragging. This method is called regardless if something was picked.

event argument

  • picks (Array): An array containing Picking Info Objects for all objects that were under the pointer when clicked, or an empty array if nothing from this layer was under the pointer.
  • screenCoords (Array): [x, y] screen pixel coordinates relative to the canvas.
  • groundCoords (Array): [lng, lat] ground coordinates.


The pointer went down on something rendered by this layer and the pointer started to move.

  • picks (Array): An array containing Picking Info Objects for all objects that were under the pointer when it went down.
  • screenCoords (Array): [x, y] screen pixel coordinates relative to the canvas where the pointer was when it was considered to start dragging (should be very close to pointerDownScreenCoords).
  • groundCoords (Array): [lng, lat] ground coordinates where the pointer was when it was considered to start dragging (should be very close to pointerDownGroundCoords).
  • pointerDownScreenCoords (Array): [x, y] screen pixel coordinates relative to the canvas where the pointer went down.
  • pointerDownGroundCoords (Array): [lng, lat] ground coordinates where the pointer went down.

Note: this method is not called if nothing was picked when the pointer went down


The pointer went down on something rendered by this layer, the pointer moved, and now the pointer is up.

  • picks (Array): An array containing Picking Info Objects for all objects that were under the pointer when it went down.
  • screenCoords (Array): [x, y] screen pixel coordinates relative to the canvas where the pointer went up.
  • groundCoords (Array): [lng, lat] ground coordinates where the pointer went up.
  • pointerDownScreenCoords (Array): [x, y] screen pixel coordinates relative to the canvas where the pointer went down.
  • pointerDownGroundCoords (Array): [lng, lat] ground coordinates where the pointer went down.


The pointer moved, regardless of whether the pointer is down, up, and whether or not something was picked

  • screenCoords (Array): [x, y] screen pixel coordinates relative to the canvas where the pointer is now.
  • groundCoords (Array): [lng, lat] ground coordinates where the pointer is now.
  • picks (Array): An array containing Picking Info Objects for all objects that are under the pointer now.
  • isDragging (Boolean): true if the pointer went down and has moved enough to consider the movement a drag gesture, otherwise false.
  • pointerDownPicks (Array): An array containing Picking Info Objects for all objects that were under the pointer when it went down, if any. This will be populated even if the pointer hasn't yet moved enough to set isDragging to true.
  • pointerDownScreenCoords (Array): [x, y] screen pixel coordinates relative to the canvas where the pointer went down.
  • pointerDownGroundCoords (Array): [lng, lat] ground coordinates where the pointer went down.


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