Toward the end of the talk we live-code a streaming data platorm, and:
- Ingest a simplified, pared back version of the (public domain) Enron corpus (100k events)
- Transform those events into materialized views based on Datastax best practice for partitioned time-series
- Retain those events by writing them to Cassandra
- Retrieve events by day, and search for events by subject
To reproduce for yourself:
Install CCM (Cassandra Cluster Manager)
brew install ccm
Initialize a new single-node cluster
ccm create -n 1 -v 3.0.15 devoxx
then start a REPL and
;; load simplified Enron data into the REPL
(def messages (json/decode (slurp (io/resource "messages.json")) true))
;; require system ns and initialize zookeeper, kafka, kafka-streams, and cassandra
(require '[devoxx.system :as system])
;; send the test messages to Kafka
(system/send (:thimble/kafka.producer @system/state) "devoxx" messages)
;; require query ns and retrieve data
(require '[devoxx.query :as query])
;; load a single day of messages for a sender
(query/read-day (:arche/connection @system/state)
;; load a time series of messages for a user where the message subject contained a specific word
(query/search (:arche/connection @system/state)
Any problems - shout.