Inspired by Laravel Horizon, a Queue Dashboard to monitor Queue Jobs with following features:
- Work with Queue with 'database' driver.
- Retry one or more Jobs.
- Delete one or more Jobs.
- Emptying Jobs Table.
- Emptying Failed Jobs Table.
- Search any queues, payloads and exceptions.
- Responsive design, enjoy the view at any screen sizes.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a Laravel framework.
Make sure you have choose 'database' driver for Queue in config/queue.php
and already have 'failed_jobs' and 'jobs' table.
Require this package:
$ composer require tonysong/dashq
A step by step
Publish resources files (css and js)
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=dashq.assets
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=dashq.config
Navigate to
at browser, and you're ready to go.
The configuration file placed in config/dashq.php
Add DashQ route middleware, such as Login and various checks.
Set route path to DashQ, default is dashq
Set database connection which DashQ should connect to database that have jobs
and failed_jobs
Setup SCSS development.
- Navigate to
, and run:
$ npm install
- install Gulp Globally
$ npm install gulp-cli -g
To start compiling watch for changes run:
$ gulp scss:watch -g
To minify SCSS file (production):
$ gulp scss:prod
CSS output will be at /resources/assets/app.css
which is already attached to "mock" html files.
LaravelDashQ using plain Javascript, the JS file located at /resources/assets/app.js
Three files already provided to mock real rendered by Laravel Blade template, home.html
, jobs.html
, failedjobs.html
, these files are located in /resources/assets
To deploy app.js
and app.css
, run following command:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=dashq.assets --force
- Tony Song - Initial work - [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Hat tip to Taylor Otwell, the creator of Laravel
- PostCSS, Gulp, etc.