#Prerequisites # Notes on producing slides for SCORM package
Create markdown file with slide source (test.md in this example).
Folder structure
/source/images/<image files to include>
Use pandoc to compile self-contained HTML slides with the slidy framework (requires connection to web to get slidy CSS).
## Create HTML slides:
pandoc -t slidy --self-contained test.md -o test.html
(can also create PDF slides - requires pdfLaTeX)
pandoc -t beamer test.md -V theme:Warsaw -o test.pdf
#Running the Python script You just need to provide two arguments with the python script: The first argument is the name you want to give your scorm package. The second argument is the name of your created self-contained html file (created in the Prerequisites)
#For help run -h or --help "python scorm.py -h" otherwise contact [email protected]