tedjust is python 3 script to tweek G-code files. It can adjust flow rate/printing speed for some layer(s) and can be used for post-processing after slicing.
Created by Eduard Bespalov AKA tedbeer ([email protected]), 2013
License: CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0
In what cases it can be usefull:
- modify flow rate for the first level(s) to improve stickness, to compensate rough bed
- modify speed/flow rate for bridge layer if slicer can't do it
- increase printing speed for layers where model is simple
- decrease printing speed for layers where precision is important
Usage: python tedjust.py filename.gcode layer_tweak layer_tweak [layer_tweak layer_tweak ...]
filename.ted.gcode will be created with required tweaks
Specifing layers:
- L3.5 - layer at 3.5mm
- L3.5-5 - layers between 3.5-5mm including borders
- L3.5+ - layer at 3.5mm and all layers above
Specifing tweaks:
- F1.1 - flow tweak - increase extruding in 1.1 times
- S30 - change extruding speed to 30mm/sec
It does not modify suck/prime/move speed, only speed while extruding.
It does not tweak flow while suck/prime.
It uses the same speed for both - perimeter and infill.
Multiple layers/tweaks can be specified.
- L0.25 F1.1
increase flow rate to 1.1 for layer at 0.25 mm - L0.25+ F0.95
set flow rate 0.95 for layers after 0.25mm (including 0.25) - L0.25 F1.1 S11.5
increase flow rate to 1.1 and set moving speed while extruding to 11.5mm/s for layer 0.25 mm - L0 F1.1 L10+ S100 L15.25-15.75 F1.1 S30
change flow rate for the first layer,
increase printing speed to 100mm/s after 10mm
change flow rate and speed to print bridge (layers between 15.25-15.75)