Collection of PowerShell tools for SQL Server management.
TCDbTools is published to the Powershell Gallery and can be installed as follows:
Install-Module tcdbtools
Name | Definition |
TCDbTools.DBServer | Class utilized for connectivity in some functions |
Name | Definition |
Invoke-DBSafeShrink | This is NOT a normal shrink. This is based upon a methodology suggested by Paul Randal, and will shrink an mdf file and rebuild all indexes at the same time. Also this method is typically faster then a normal shrink. Can not be used to shrink an LDF file. |
Invoke-DBDeployAgentJob | This function is designed to deploy SQL Agent jobs using variables that can customize the deployment for each server. Can be used to quickly update all of your jobs across your entire network even if they need customization per server. |
Invoke-DBSqlAgentScripter | Will script out all Sql Agent objects to sql script files. |
Invoke-DBMoveIndexes | Moves all indexes from one file group to another, including heaps and removes fragmentation as they are moved. |
Invoke-DBCompareServerSettings | Compares the server settings between two or more servers. |
Invoke-DBExtractCLRDLL | Extracts all user defined CLR objects from a SQL server. |
Invoke-DBScriptObjects | Scripts all objects from a database to individual files per object in a schema\type\script hierarchy. |
Invoke-DBRenameConstraints | Will rename all indexes and constraints to match naming conventions. The naming conventions can be customized using script block function overloads. |
Find-DBInvalidSettings | Finds settings and options that may or may not be invalid depending upon design choices. They are typically invalid however and should be investigated. |
Find-DBValue | Scans a database for a value. Returns all tables and columns that contain that value, as well as the value itself. The scan is broken up into multiple threads. |
Test-DBReadOnlyRouting | Tests read only routing for an availability group, and returns whether or not the routing is valid. |
Find-DBColumnDataTypeDiscrepancies | Scans the database for columns in different tables that have the same names, but differ by data type. This is typically indicative of a design flaw. |
Invoke-DBScriptRunner | Runs a query against one or more servers and databases. Captures the results and any messages. The execution of the script is multi threaded. |
Invoke-DBSynchronizeSQLLogins | Will synchronize sql logins between servers. Synchronizes both the HASHED password and the SID. Very useful for synchronizing logins between Availability Group Servers. |
Name | Definition |
New-DBScripterObject | Creates a database scripting object that can be modified and used by Invoke-DBScriptObjects. |
New-DBSMOServer | Returns a type of [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection] used for SMO connections. |
New-DBSqlCmdArguments | Creates a custom PSObject, that can be splatted to Invoke-SqlCmd or any other command that takes similar arguments. |
Get-AllUserDatabases | If the first value in $Databases is "ALL_USER_DATABASES" then a list of all user databases is returned. Else the original list of databases is passed back. |
Test-DBSqlConnection | Tests connectivity to a sql server using a very lightweight query. |
Name | Definition |
Get-DBUserCredential | Gets the credential stored under the application name in the Windows Credential Manager. |
Set-DBUserCredential (Alias: New-DBUserCredential) | Saves a user credential to the Windows Credential Manager that can be retrieved later, and passed in to functions that require credentials. Should be run to store the credentials as one time use, but not saved into a script. That way you can keep from storing passwords in your scripts. |
GMSACredential | This is not my module, nor have I tested it out. However, I am a big fan of GMSA accounts, and this could provide a very nice alternative to storing the credentials in the Windows Credential Manager. Here is a demo page from the module owner Ryan Ephgrave. |
Name | Definition |
New-DBSqlConnection | Creates a SqlConnection. |
Invoke-DBDataTableQuery | Executes the query, and returns a DataTable of the results. |
Invoke-DBScalarQuery | Executes the query, and returns the first column of the first row in the result set returned by the query. Additional columns or rows are ignored. |
Invoke-DBNonQuery | Executes a Transact-SQL statement against the connection and returns the number of rows affected. |
Invoke-DBReaderQuery | Sends the CommandText to the Connection and builds a SqlDataReader. |
Invoke-DBDataSetQuery | Executes a Transact-SQL statement against the connection and returns a DataSet containing a DataTable for each result set returned. |
New-DBSqlParameter | Creates a new instance of a SqlParameter object. |
Get-DBInClauseParams | Can be used to create a set of parameters that can be used with an IN clause. |
Get-DBInClauseString | Creates the string representation of the parameters that can be used with an IN clause. |
Name | Definition |
Write-InformationColorized | Writes to the information stream, but applies colors of your choice. Similar to Write-Host. |
ConvertTo-Markdown | Converts an array of objects to a markdown string. |
Invoke-Telnet | Allows for telnet connections, and telnet commands to be sent to a server. Can be used to test sql server connectivity. |
ConvertFrom-DataRows | Converts an array of DataRows to normal PS objects removing ado properties |
ConvertFrom-DataTable | Converts a DataTable to normal PS objects removing ado properties |