modified by @sugoku
extracts bcsar from cia and then converts to MIDI and soundfont! just run extract_bcsar_from_cia.bat
then convert_bcsar_to_midisf2.bat
with filename arguments.
will go through every cia in the directory, extract the bcsars, run the process and put them in a new folder with the same name as the bcsar minus the file extension.
you'll probably need to create a folder bcwav
if it doesn't exist yet
the programs used:
- vgaudio
- soneek's Wii3DSUSoundTool
- sf2comp
- cseq2midi
- ctrtool
- if it hangs, CTRL+C and when it asks to terminate batch processing, enter
(some sequences will cause this to happen) - do not add *.txt or *.bcsar files in this directory or they will get moved around