⭐ New Features
Document that a custom CookieSerializer might break Remember Me #2570
Log a warning if custom CookieSerializer
does not have rememberMeRequestAttribute
set #2568
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
Bump from 6.2.0-RC2 to 6.2.0 #2646
Bump from to #2642
Bump from 2023.1.0-RC1 to 2023.1.0 #2641
Bump io.spring.javaformat:spring-javaformat-checkstyle from 0.0.39 to 0.0.40 #2630
Bump io.spring.javaformat:spring-javaformat-gradle-plugin from 0.0.39 to 0.0.40 #2629
Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 6.1.0-RC2 to 6.1.0 #2628
Bump io.lettuce:lettuce-core from 6.2.6.RELEASE to 6.2.7.RELEASE #2626
Bump io.projectreactor:reactor-bom from 2023.0.0-RC1 to 2023.0.0 #2622
Bump io-projectreactor from 3.4.33 to 3.4.34 #2621
Bump com.hazelcast:hazelcast from 5.3.5 to 5.3.6 #2617
Bump org-mongodb from 4.11.0 to 4.11.1 #2615
Bump org-junit-jupiter from 5.10.0 to 5.10.1 #2613
Bump from 0.0.7 to 0.0.14 #2612
Bump org.springframework:spring-framework-bom from 6.1.0-RC1 to 6.1.0-RC2 #2611
Bump com.gradle.enterprise from 3.12.3 to 3.12.6 #2605
Bump org-gretty from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 #2604
Bump com.h2database:h2 from 2.2.220 to 2.2.224 #2603
Bump org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle from 4.29.0 to 4.29.4 #2602
Bump com.hazelcast:hazelcast from 5.3.2 to 5.3.5 #2601
Bump org.aspectj:aspectjweaver from 1.9.19 to #2600
Bump org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core from 2.17.1 to 2.17.2 #2599
Bump io-projectreactor from 3.4.11 to 3.4.33 #2598
Bump io.lettuce:lettuce-core from 6.2.5.RELEASE to 6.2.6.RELEASE #2597
Bump org.junit:junit-bom from 5.8.1 to 5.8.2 #2596
Bump io.spring.nohttp:nohttp-checkstyle from 0.0.3.RELEASE to 0.0.11 #2575
Bump org-slf4j from 2.0.7 to 2.0.9 #2574
Bump from 6.2.0-RC1 to 6.2.0-RC2 #2573
Bump org-codehaus-groovy from 3.0.17 to 3.0.19 #2572
Bump org.gretty from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 #2571
Bump org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient from 4.5.13 to 4.5.14 #2558
Bump from 0.9.10 to 0.9.11 #2557
Bump org.springframework.boot from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 #2556
Bump io.spring.gradle:dependency-management-plugin from 1.0.10.RELEASE to 1.0.15.RELEASE #2555
Bump org-springframework-boot from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 #2545
Bump ch-qos-logback from 1.4.8 to 1.4.11 #2543
Bump org.thymeleaf.extras:thymeleaf-extras-springsecurity6 from 3.1.1.RELEASE to 3.1.2.RELEASE #2542
Update spring-javaformat to 0.0.39 #2530
Bump from 11.2.1.jre17 to 11.2.3.jre17 #2522
Bump from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 #2521
Bump org.springframework.boot from 3.1.1 to 3.1.4 #2520
Bump from 6.2.0-RC1 to 6.2.0-RC2 #2519
Bump com.hazelcast:hazelcast from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2 #2508
Bump com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind from 2.15.2 to 2.15.3 #2507
Bump org.springframework.boot.aot from 3.1.1 to 3.1.4 #2506
Bump org-springframework-boot from 3.1.1 to 3.1.4 #2504
Bump com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom from 2.15.2 to 2.15.3 #2496
You can’t perform that action at this time.