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Sponsored developers and organizations
25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Support annejan’s open source work
Supporting open source graphics, 3D rendering, and data visualization with web technologies.
Support teppokoivula's open source work
Support Qard working on Node.js and V8 diagnostics features like async_hooks, PromiseHook, AsyncLocalStorage, and diagnostics_channel.
Support Sebastian Bergmann's work on Open Source in general and PHPUnit in particular.
Aosus is the biggest Arabic community for FOSS, We aim to popularize the culture of free and open source software in the Arab world, enrich it and spread the idea of contributing to it
Making it easier and faster to build software. Rust developer and language team lead. 🦀⚙️
I love building solutions to systemic problems. I thrive in welcoming, inclusive communities, and enjoy mentoring others.
Passionate software developer and open-source enthusiast, always seeking new ideas and eager to experiment 👨🏼💻
I like to write software, build hardware, and give back to the amazing open source community. Electrical engineer specialized in safety-critical embedded software and high performance computer vision solutions.
Support the development and operation of the Swift Package Index by sponsoring it. With your help, or your company’s, we can continue to build an essential resource for the Swift community.
Programmer | Author of Neutralinojs | Technical Writer
Support StefanOltmann's open source work
I’m the creator and maintainer of EvenBetter Caido plugins and the apps under cvssadvisor.com. Currently, I’m working on new Caido plugins and reworking the cvssadvisor.com apps.
I breathe and love open-source. :heart:
Support Grist, an open-source spreadsheet-database.
Support the Catholic Liturgical Calendar project. In the service of communities around the world.
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