I am tired of Middleman project templates that come bundled with too many stuff.
So, this is a minimal and not-so-opinionated Middleman project template, for development in:
- Slim
- Sass
- CoffeeScript
And common tools are included such as:
- LiveReload
- Autoprefixer
- middleman-deploy
- middleman-imageoptim (disabled by default)
And some sensible default configurations such as:
- Relative assets so you can host your files anywhere. Even in a file system or PhoneGap application!
- bower_components added into Sprocket's search path by default. If you use Bower, then it just works. If you don't, then this configuration doesn't do anything. How unobtrusive!
- config.ru that works with Bundler.
- middleman-deploy preconfigured to deploy to GitHub Pages.
- Minify CSS when building.
- Minify JavaScript when building, but not mangling them (in case you use Angular.js).
It has been hand-cherry-picked from my projects.
And now, choose your own CSS and JavaScript framework.
Be it jQuery, Angular, Ember, Polymer, Bootstrap, Bourbon, Bootstrap, Typeplate, Normalize, Modernizr, or write your own from scratch. It's your choice! Don't want jQuery? Just expel it from Gemfile!
Clone and bundle install and middleman.
# Installation
git init website && cd website
git pull https://github.com/spacetme/sliminimal.git master
bundle install
# Now, create the desired repo on GitHub
hub create user/repo
# When ready, push
git push -u origin master
And below is an example of README.md for your project.
middleman build
middleman deploy