Web interface for sTeam - https://github.com/eMBee/sTeam/tree/steam-2.9-source
- Install node
For Ubuntu
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
For Fedora
dnf install npm
- Install dependencies and start the server
npm install && npm start
- Give proper commit messages that describe the change.
- Each commit message should be granular, solving a specific issue.
- Don't mangle a lot of commits together, unless asked for.
- Use GFM in commit messages to link to issues if they are related.
- Use a short summary on the first line.
- Use Markdown in commit messages to make them more readable.
- Wrap commit message lines at 80 chars.
- Ensure that you have worked on the latest code to avoid re-introducing removed diffs.
- Give a proper title to your pull requests.
- Giving a description will make the aliens smile.
- Giving a description is no excuse to commit messages that make aliens sad.