Works with Visual Studio 2022 & JetBrains Rider 2024+
dotnet new install Shiny.Templates
- Supports Visual Studio for Windows 2022, Visual Studio for Mac 2022, & JetBrains Rider 2024+
- Creates all the necessary permissions, boilerplate, & setup you'll need to get your .NET MAUI app up and running with Shiny & many other great community libraries
- Easy setup and choice for push notifications
- Full Native
- Azure Notification Hubs
- Firebase
- Creates a best practice MAUI application with best-in-class frameworks:
- Select mutliple platform UI Markup types
- Blazor
- C# Markup (courtesy of .NET MAUI Community Toolkit) Documentation
- .NET MAUI Community Toolkit Setup Including:
- Entitlements for iOS/MacCatalyst if necessary (ie. Push, MSAL)
- Info.plist & Entitlement permissions for iOS/MacCatalyst
- Helps generate Apple's "fun" PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
- AndroidManifest.xml Permissions & Features for Android
- Preps all of the necessary functionality for a SQLite Database
- Setup proper localization
- All of your MauiProgram.cs Dependency Injection
- Setup Logging Options with Local SQLite & Sentry.IO
- Create AppSettings.json
- Create & auto-configure a strongly-typed settings class that can be bound to preferences or secure storage using Shiny
- Create & auto-configure a Shiny startup service
- Setup Android Auto & iOS CarPlay
- Good practice setup for MSAL or Web Authenticator authentication service
- Include a custom Refit HTTP client with authentication wired for best practices
- Setup everything needed for the .NET MAUI Essentials Media Capture service
- Mapping
- Setup .NET MAUI Maps
- Setup Google Maps
- Setup all of the necessary boilerplate for the following authentication providers:
- MAUI Web Authentication
- MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) Basic
- MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) B2C
- MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) Broker
- Full Setup for the following 3rd party components
- Prism by Brian Lagunas & Dan Siegel
- ReactiveUI from many contributors
- MAUI Community Toolkit from many contributors
- Virtual List View by Jon Dick
- Uranium UI by Enis Necipoglu
- FFImageLoading MAUI
- Sharpnado Tabs by Jean-Marie Alfonsi
- Sharpnado CollectionView by Jean-Marie Alfonsi
- MAUI Google Maps by Pavlo Lukianets
- Camera.MAUI by Hector (hjam40)
- Refit by ReactiveUI Maintainers
- SQLite.NET-pcl by Frank Krueger
- BarcodeScanning.Native.Maui by afriscic
- Store Review Plugin by James Montemagno
- In-App Billing Plugin by James Montemagno
- MAUI Screen Recording Plugin by Gerald Versluis
- MAUI Audio Plugin by Gerald Versluis
- MAUI Calendar Store Plugin by Gerald Versluis
- MAUI Screen Brightness Plugin by Gerald Versluis
- MAUI OCR Plugin by Kori Francis
- MAUI Biometric Plugin by Konstantin S & Sven-Michael Stübe
- CardsView MAUI by Andrei Misiukevich
- Embed.IO by Unosquare
- SkiaSharp by Matthew Leibowitz
- ACR User Dialogs by Allan Ritchie
- Debug Rainbows by Steven Thewissen
- Live Charts by Alberto Rodríguez
- Compiled Bindings by Vitali Lesheniuk
- Settings View by Satoshi NaKamura
- AlohaKit Animations by Javier Suárez
- Skeleton by Horus Software
- The 49 Bottom Sheet by The 49 Ltd
- The 49 Context Menu by The 49 Ltd
- Bindable Property Generator by rrmanzano
- System.Linq.Async
- Humanizer
- Units .NET by Andreas Gullberg Larsen
- Blazor Libraries
- Minimal APIs
- Shiny Mediator Endpoint Setup
- .NET Orleans
- OpenAPI
- OpenTelemetry
- Entity Framework Basic Setup
- MSAL & WebAuthenticator Setup /w Google & Facebook
- Apple Domain Association Setup
- Shiny BluetoothLE Hosted Managed Characteristic
- Shiny Job