A Flutter package to encode and decode lrc.
- You can use it to parse music lyric String (.lrc), lrc look like:
- [00.11.22] hello coolight
- And than return a object for reading and writing easily.
support so many lrc standard and non-standard format,- we follow
casually decode
andstrictly encode
- such as:
- info:
- [ti:xxx]
- [ar:xxx]
- [hello:xxx]
- ......
- lyric:
- [minute:second.millisecond] lyricContent
- like [01:11.22] hello
- [minute:second:millisecond] lyricContent
- like [01:11:22] hello
- [minute:second] lyricContent
- like [01:11] hello
- translate:
- no time Or same time:
- [minute:second.millisecond] lyricContent
[01:11.22] lyricContent1
lyricContent1 translate
[01:33.22] lyricContent2
[01:33.22] lyricContent2 translate
- mulit-time in one line:
- [minute:second.millisecond][minute2:second2] lyricContent To:
- [minute:second.millisecond] lyricContent
- And [minute2:second2] lyricContent
- time after lyricContent:
- lyricContent [minute:second.millisecond]
- install this package, add this line in your
- import when you want to use this package:
import 'package:lyric_xx/lyric_xx.dart';
- parse .lrc String to Objects:
void test() {
final lrcStr = """
final relist = Lyricxx_c.decodeLrcString(
- encode to .lrc:
void test() async {
// lrc object list
final List<LyricSrcItemEntity_c> lrcList = [];
final lrcStr = Lyricxx_c.encodeLrcString(
/// write to file:
final file = File("./test.lrc");
// create file
if(false == await file.exists()) {
await file.create(recursive: true);
// write
await refile.writeAsString(lrcStr);