Mastermind is a code-breaking game for two players. One player becomes the codemaker , the other the codebreaker . The codemaker chooses a pattern of four color code pegs (duplicates allowed) and the codebreaker tries to guess it, in both order and color. Each guess is made by placing a row of color code pegs on the decoding board. Once placed, the codemaker provides feedback by placing from zero to four key pegs in the small holes of the row with the guess. A black key peg (small red in the image) is placed for each code peg from the guess which is correct in both color and position. A white key peg indicates the existence of a correct color code peg placed in the wrong position.
Example: Given a code [RED, BLUE, GREEN, RED] when the codebreaker gives a code with [RED, GREEN, RED, YELLOW] the feedback will be: 1 black, 2 whites. For more information about the game:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Docker (not mandatory) for prod configuration. for test configuration.
The database is a H2 in memory database,to browse the database go http://localhost:{server.port}/h2
Credentials are in the application.propertie files
In order to deploy a new version of dev follow the next steps.
If you like to use docker, you can build a Docker image
mvn -U clean install docker:build
display the deployed images, you will find a mastermind image
docker images
Then just run the docker image
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 mastermind
Otherwise you can run just the jar
mvn -U clean install spring-boot:run
In order to verify the installation, make a post request using Swagger http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/
find the endpoint /mastermind/new/{codeSize}
In order to execute the Junit test please run : mvn test
This will generate the coverage results at :
You can see the % of coverage of all the classes.
Note that the GameServiceImpl is the core class and has a overage of 97%
In order to deploy a production version please run with active-profile = prod
docker run -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=prod --rm -p 8080:8080 mastermind --rm -p 8080:8080 mastermind
Please use swagger or postman
find the endpoint
As a input just put a code size
As a result you will get the autogeneraed game id
"data": {
"gameId": 1
In order to play you have to hit the POST endpoint
Process the guess for a given gameId.
as a variable
Posible colors:
"color": "BROWN"
"color": "YELLOW"
"color": "GREEN"
"color": "PINK"
"data": {
"guess": [
"color": "BROWN"
"color": "SILVER"
"color": "GREEN"
"color": "PINK"
"onlyColorGuess": [
"color": "WHITE"
"positionColorGuess": [
"color": "BLACK"
"hasWon": false
Only hit the color but not position
get one a white peg
Hit position and color of the ball
get one black peg
In order to get hte history you have to hit the GET endpoint
as a variable
"data": [
"pegs": [
"color": "BROWN"
"color": "YELLOW"
"color": "GREEN"
"color": "PINK"
"game": 1,
"numberBlack": 0,
"numberWhite": 1
"pegs": [
"color": "BROWN"
"color": "SILVER"
"color": "GREEN"
"color": "PINK"
"game": 1,
"numberBlack": 1,
"numberWhite": 1
For new features please follow git flow.
For every now feature >
- Create a new feature from development
git flow feature start feature_name
- Make your changes
git flow feature finish feature_name
Finish feature - > Will auto merge on development - Push development
For UI in git client in linux I recommend gitkraken
Spring Boot with spring mvc
Spring Boot is an awesome framework to quickly build an Rest based Application. For persistence I used Spring data using h2 in memory database.
This implementation is a little variation of the original Mastermind game, with the following modifications:
There is no limit to the number of guesses You can play differents games at the same time by switching the game id.
In the scenario that we have in the guess more Pegs of correct color that in the code,it will count only one for each Peg in the code.
In the case of two pegs of same colors (one of them correct position) will prioritize the one that is also in the same position.
In the case of have in the guess a hit on color with two same color in the code, will count only one as correct.
- Sebastian Castellanos - Initial work - Sebastianxcf
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details