Salto v0.3.52
Salto Version 0.3.52
New features and bug fixes
Zendesk Adapter
- Handle socket hang up errors. added the flag
to control the size of the chunks. - Add default timeout for requests.
Jira Adapter:
- Now support deploy of order of assetsObjectTypes.
- Projects path are going to be changed to Projects -> {projects Type} ->...
- Added a fetch warning when form is untitled.
Netsuite Adapter:
- Add workflow condition warning when there are parameters with ACCOUNT_SPECIFIC_VALUES.
Salesforce Adapter:
- Data Deploy Errors will be linked to the failed Elements.
- Fixed a bug where we failed to resolve some internal ids of managed Elements.
- Salesforce partial fetch will now support deletions.
- Fixed a bug where data deploy group errors were falsely masked.
Okta Adapter:
- Validation error when user tries to add group push with groupId and application relation that already exists in the target environment.
- Change the missing dependency error to include a link to a "learn more" page.
- Added support for storing state static files in S3.
User Notifications
Jira Adapter:
- Projects path are going to be changed to Projects -> {projects Type} ->...