Salto v0.3.47
Salto Version v0.3.47
New features and bug fixes
- Deploying now supports objects larger than 10MB
- Display the total number of workSpace errors from diagnostics
- Raise total number of ws errors that returns from getDiagnostics
- Add logs to all error casess in summarizeDeployChanges logic
- Add important attribute core annotation _important_values and _self_important_values
- Fix issue where "fetch from" would omit fields that were not in the path index (fields that were recently deployed)
- Fixed a bug where deploy error reportProgress wouldn't be reported for Errors with empty string
- Fix bug where regenerate salto ids would cause deletion of static file
- Added command: salto element fix
Netsuite adapter:
- Add aliases by default
- Create references in SuiteScripts for paths that don't start with a path prefix and to custom record fields
- Fix crash in data_instances_attributes trying to access "attributes" on null
Salesforce adapter:
- Add a Change Validator that forbids Additions and Deletions of Standard Fields and Objects.
- Solve LwcResources.LwcResource type discrepancy in LightningComponentBundle
- Add the ability to create extra dependencies from the tooling API only for Elements from the current organization namespace.
- Add internal ID to custom fields inside managed package if exists
- Added references between new objects to field permissions
- Add alias to Metadata Instances and CustomObject types by default.
Jira adapter:
- Added support for ScriptRunner's scripted fragments
- Fixed a bug that prevented deployment of permission schemes for some customers
- Issue layouts will not be fetched due to a performance issue for some cusomters
- Fixed a bug that prevented deployment of first instance of a ScriptRunner type
- Removing Issue Layouts
- Fixed a bug with deployments of jqls
- Fixed a bug that caused fetch to fail for custom fields with parentless cascading options
- Fixed deleting an issue type and removing it from the issue type scheme
Zendesk adapter:
- Duplicate id values CV will point to a doc with an explanation
- On begining of fetch, we will attempt to get the account subscription data and log it, only works on Zendesk production environment
- Fix deployment error where removal of a field and relevant conditions from a form at the same time would return an error
- Prevent the failure of deployment of ticket_form when ticket status ticket_field is added to the env
- View restrictions field is not ordered on fetch, removing order changes from being shown on compare
- 'field' fields that are supposed to have ticket_field can now have missing references
- ticket_form will have now missing references for ticket_fields
- Fix warning on ticket_form deployments if the ticket form has custom ticket status, and the feature it not enabled
Okta adapter:
- Improve fetch times
- RoleAssignment instances will be excluded by default, this can be changed by editing the adapter config file
- Fix a bug casing unwanted differences in GroupRule lists