This application is one of the core features of intermodal business solutions where Trucking company / BCO(Beneficial Cargo Owner) / Shipper can view its container statuses, holds like custom holds etc, pay various types of container fees (for ex. import gate fee, demurrage fees etc.).
Client: Html, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, Angular, Bootstrap
Server: .NET 8, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, Microservices, JWT, Microsoft Azure, Azure Service Bus, Azure SQL DB, Azure Cosmos DB, API Gateway (BFF), Docker, Git, Github
- Microservices Architecture
- ASB for asynchronous communication
- Authentication
- Dockerization
- API Gateway - Ocelot
- Use of variety of dbs: Azure SQL DB, Azure Cosmos DB
- Microsoft Azure
If you have Docker running locally
docker compose up
or, run each service separately by going into its folder run below command
dotnet run