This repository contains python/tensorflow code to reproduce the experiments presented in our paper Blind Speech Separation and Dereverberation using Neural Beamforming.
The data loader uses the 'pyroomacoustics' package to generate artifical RIRs. Install with:
pip install pyroomacoustics
And the 'soundfile' package to read/write wavs:
pip install soundfile
To add your speech database, edit the 'path' keys in the configuration file:
nano -w experiments/shoebox_c2.json
You can also set the number of speakers, and the FFT length/shift for the frequency domain variant (BSSD-FD)
Prior to training, a set of RIRs and DOA bases is required. Both sets will be stored as .mat containers in the 'data/' folder.
To generate a set of 720 artifical RIRs, use:
cd loaders
To generate a set of 100 DOA bases, use:
cd loaders
python doa
To train the frequency domain model (BSSD-FD), use:
cd experiments
To train the time domain (BSSD-TD), use:
cd experiments
Due to the custom complex-valued layers, training for the FD takes roughly 8 times as long as for the TD model.
To validate the models, use:
cd experiments
python valid
This will generate a single prediction, plotting the SI-SDR and EER scores. Also, a matlab container containing the enhanced wavs will be written in the 'predictions/' folder.
To generate a spectrogram plot showing the mixture, and the separated and dereverberated estimates, use:
cd experiments
python plot
Mixture with 2 speakers, separated and dereverberated using the 'bssd_combined_td' model
SI-SDR and EER after 10^5 training epochs of the 'bssd_combined_td' model
False Accaptance and Rejection Rates for the 101 WSJ0 speakers of the 'bssd_combined_td' model
Please cite our work as
title={Blind Speech Separation and Dereverberation using Neural Beamforming},
author={Lukas Pfeifenberger and Franz Pernkopf},