YATErl is a simple Erlang binding developer by Alca Società Cooperativa ([http://alcacoop.it]), to create YATE-based VOIP applications using the powerful feature of the Erlang language and OTP framework. YATErl is designed as a standard OTP application so you can create an OTP release for your application which include and use it to implement a VOIP application.
YATE is a VOIP Application Server developed by Null Team ([http://yate.null.ro]), coded in C++ using message-passing techniques, and actually scriptable in PHP and Python.
YATErl is composed by a small number of registered processes and a couple of "almost" side-effects-free modules:
- yaterl_app: manage start/stop yaterl supervised tree
- yaterl_sup: supervise yaterl registered processes
- yate_stdio_connection:
- connect to yate on stdio
- register to a yate_control_srv
- send binary data to yate on stdout
- receive binary data from yate on stdin
- route binary data to the registered yate_control_srv
- yate_control_srv:
- manage a yate connection
- send / receive binary data from an active connection
- encode / decode erlang term <-> binary yate event format
- yate_event_mgr:
- register configured autoregistering yate event handler modules
- send / receive yate events decoded as erlang records
- register / recall processes which waits for a reply
- route watched yate event to registerent yate event handler modules
- send a wait for reply installed yate event to registered yate event handler modules
- yate
- High Level abstraction API
- manual watch/unwatch/install/uninstall commands
- utility commands (setlocal, output)
- message exchanging commands (send_event [sync or async], wait_for_event)
- yate_event
- High Level and Side Effect Free yate event manipulation
- create new yate events commands
- yate event type checker commands
- yate event attributes setters/getters
- yate_message
- High Level and Side Effect Free yate message manipulation
- create new yate events commands
- yate event type checker commands
- yate event attributes setters/getters
- yate_encode: encode yate event from erlang record to binary data
- yate_decode: decode yate event from binary data to erlang record
- yate_event_handler: mnesia backend for yate event handlers registering
- sasl: error and progress logging
- mnesia: registered yate event handlers modules backend
- kernel / stdlib