Before running the program ensure the version of python you have installed is 3.7 and you are connected to the internet.
To start the game, ensure the configuration is set to the init class.
After pressing run, you are greeted with the splash screen, press any button on your keyboard or click the screen to go to the main menu. The game music will then begin to play.
To navigate the menu, use W (up) and S (down) to choose your option of exiting, reading the instructions or playing the game. The traffic light colour corresponding to each option should appear as you press W or S. To confirm your choice press E.
Choosing play will then prompt you to choose Vs. CPU (Solo mode) or Vs. Player (Player vs player). By choosing solo mode you will be playing the computer.
By choosing PvP will then prompt you to choose sprites. The game will begin after both sprites have been chosen.