This is a test api and webapp with some common functionalities to test various needs for development, environment setup and devops tools connectivity and workflows.
Api to update the app version
Api to greet a user for the webapp
Api for server info
Update app version for the webapp ( by api)
Greet user with POST method ( via api and web)
Get server info, once deployed on Kubernetes (on homepage and via api in json format)
For running on Kubernetes, by using
kubectl kustomise
we can modify image (name & tag) and other configurable parans via updating kustomization.yaml in kubernetes folder. -
This app can be built in 3 ways
5.1 With gunicorn WSGI server - Dockerfile added.
5.2 With python and Flask module only - Dockerfile added.
5.3 With buildpack,
- The build command can be overriden by Procfile in root folder.
- Other params can be passed as command line options in build command.
- The buildpack command to build OCI image for app using pack CLI locally using container runtime.
$ pack build helloapp-img \ --path ~/files/helloapppython \ --env BP_CPYTHON_VERSION=3.9.13 \ --buildpack paketo-buildpacks/python \ --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:full
The buildpack command to build OCI image for app using kpack [kp] CLI in kubernetes cluster configured with remote image registry.
$ kp image create helloapppython \ --tag \ --cluster-builder default \ --namespace helloapppython \ --wait \ --git \ --git-revision main \ --env BP_CPYTHON_VERSION=3.9.13
- Add open api swagger
You can reach me on Twitter @rajinh24