purescript-spec-discovery is an extension to purescript-spec that finds specs automatically, given a regular expression pattern.
It only works for NodeJS environments, currently, since it's using NodeJS facilities to list and load modules.
Install via Spago:
spago install spec-discovery
Use as main entry point:
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Test.Spec.Discovery (discoverAndRunSpecs)
import Test.Spec.Reporter.Console (consoleReporter)
main :: Effect Unit
main = discoverAndRunSpecs [consoleReporter] """My\.Package\..*Spec"""
Or, if you need more sophistication, like an alternative config or whatnot, use
the discover
function to just return a list of specs and then run them in
whatever way you need:
module Test.Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Test.Spec.Discovery (discover)
import Test.Spec.Reporter.Console (consoleReporter)
import Test.Spec.Runner.Node (runSpecAndExitProcess)
import Test.Spec.Runner.Node.Config (defaultConfig)
main :: Effect Unit
main = launchAff_ do
specs <- discover """My\.Package\..*Spec"""
liftEffect $ runSpecAndExitProcess'
{ defaultConfig: defaultConfig { timeout = Nothing }
, parseCLIOptions: true
All modules that match the regular expression, and have a definition
spec :: Spec Unit
, will be included and run.
If you have any issues or possible improvements please file them as GitHub Issues. Pull requests requests are encouraged.