MERN stack blog with authentication Live demo here
- To create a blog that can be registered by people to share information
- To create my own API using node.js
- To work with authentication by using JWT
- To practice MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern
- To practice MERN stack development
- To practice CRUD
- To deploy: a combined server on Heroku
- react props, useState(), react events, useEffect()
- react-router-dom
- contextAPI
- styled-components
- express.js, mongoose
- jsonwebtoken
- Window localstorage
- axios
- crypto-js
- http-proxy-middleware
- multer
- dotenv
- Every one can view the blogs and also can view them by categories or users
- Ask a user to log in when a user click the button to write an article
- Ask a user to log in when a user click the button to see their own article
- Only a person who has registed and logged in can write an article
- Show the name of the user who logged on the top-right screen
- Show the photo of the user who logged on the bottom-left screen
- Only a user who is authenticated can edit or delete their own article as well as update their personal info
- The basic operations to be done in a data
- Used the same component (SinglePost.jsx) to switch viewing mode or edited mode
- Using user information across the app
- In "Navbar" component, if user exist, they can view their own posts
Please feel free to register or use the below user info to log in
username: user2
password: 123qwe
To do:
- Error handling
- Adding admin consol
- CREATE category feature
- Pagination for blog
- To show the author's photo on each post
- To show the author's photo on sidebar