This action will package a Python 3.8 Django project into a package such that it can run in AWS Lambda. This package will include system-specific compiled binaries that some Python packages utilize.
The following Python packages require native dependencies:
(dependency ofpython3-django-saml
) ->
(dependency ofweasyprint
) ->
Required The tagged application name in AWS of your Lambda functions that will be updated.
Required The tagged environment name in AWS of your Lambda functions that will be updated.
Required The path to your Django root (i.e. the directory of your
Required The path to your pip requirements file
Required The name of the S3 bucket you want your Lambda package uploaded to
Optional (default: false) A boolean of whether or not this is a Zappa project. If so, then this action will also run Django collectstatic and migrations on your lambda function
uses: penn-state-dance-marathon/deploy-django-crons@master
application: 'post'
environment: 'dev'
code: 'backend'
requirements: 'backend/requirements/common.txt'
bucket: 'thon-post-dev-lambda'
zappa: false