Watchf is a tool for watching directory changes and run commands
- install Go into your environment
- install watchf
go get
watchf [options]
-V=false: Show debugging messages
-c=[]: Add arbitrary command (repeatable)
-e=[all]: Listen for specific event(s) (comma separated list)
-exclude="^\.": Do not process any events whose file name matches specified regular expression pattern (perl-style)
-f=".watchf.conf": Specifies a configuration file
-i=100ms: The interval limit the frequency of the command executions, if equal to 0, there is no limit (time unit: ns/us/ms/s/m/h)
-include=".*": Process any events whose file name matches file name matches specified regular expression pattern (perl-style)
-r=false: Watch directories recursively
-w=false: Write command-line arguments to configuration file (write and exit)
all Create/Write/Remove/Rename/Chmod
create File/directory created in watched directory
write File written in watched directory
remove File/directory deleted from watched directory
rename File moved out of watched directory
chmod File Metadata changed
%f The filename of changed file
%t The event type of file changes
Example 1:
watchf -e "write,remove,create" -c "go test" -c "go vet" -include ".go$"
Example 2(with custom variable):
watchf -c " %f %t"
Example 3(with configuration file):
watchf -e "write,remove,create" -c "go test" -c "go vet" -include ".go$" -w
This project is licensed under the MIT license