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rv error + GPU updates
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elizabethg60 committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent 858ef24 commit bccc77a
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Showing 4 changed files with 185 additions and 50 deletions.
38 changes: 15 additions & 23 deletions scripts/NEID_RV_ccf.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -359,28 +359,35 @@ function line_rvs_ccf(line_names, vacwav, orders, timestamps, path)
# iterate through lines and determine line RV for eclipse EM curve
Threads.@threads for i in 1:length(line_names)
order_index = orders[i]
min_wav = vacwav[i] - 2
max_wav = vacwav[i] + 2
if i == 11
min_wav = vacwav[i] - 0.2
max_wav = vacwav[i] + 0.2
min_wav = vacwav[i] - 0.35
max_wav = vacwav[i] + 0.35

lines = [vacwav[i]]

RV_list = Vector{Float64}(undef,length(timestamps)...)
RV_error_list = Vector{Float64}(undef,length(timestamps)...)
Threads.@threads for j in 1:length(timestamps)
f = FITS(joinpath(path, timestamps[j]))
# header = read_header(f[1])
# bc_ms = (header["SSBRV0$order_index"]) * 1000
header = read_header(f[1])
bc_ms = (header["SSBRV0$order_index"]) * 1000

spectrum = NEID.read_data(joinpath(path, timestamps[j]); normalization = :blaze)
# find where line is - NEID flux
chunk = NEID.ChunkOfSpectrum(spectrum, order_index, full_pixels)
pixels = NEID.find_pixels_for_line_in_chunk(chunk, min_wav, max_wav)
chunk_flux_full = chunk.flux[pixels]
chunk_flux_full ./= maximum(chunk_flux_full)
chunck_vac_wav = chunk.λ[pixels]
chunck_vac_wav = chunk.λ[pixels]
chunck_var = chunk.var[pixels] ./ maximum(chunk_flux_full)^2

v_grid_cpu, ccf_cpu, ccf_var_out = GRASS.calc_ccf(chunck_vac_wav, chunk_flux_full, chunck_var, lines, [maximum(chunk_flux_full) - minimum(chunk_flux_full)], resolution)
v_grid_cpu, ccf_cpu, ccf_var_out = GRASS.calc_ccf(chunck_vac_wav, chunk_flux_full, chunck_var, lines,
[maximum(chunk_flux_full) - minimum(chunk_flux_full)], resolution,
rvs_cpu, sigs_cpu = GRASS.calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid_cpu, ccf_cpu, ccf_var_out)

RV_list[j] = rvs_cpu
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,21 +463,6 @@ function neid_nxt_day()

function neid_nxt_day()
path_october = "/storage/group/ebf11/default/pipeline/neid_solar/data/v1.3/L2/2023/10/15/"
files_and_dirs = readdir(path_october)
files = filter(f -> isfile(joinpath(path_october, f)), files_and_dirs)
timestamps_october = files[4:length(files)-145]

RV_all_lines, RV_error_all_lines = line_rvs_ccf(line_names, vacwav, orders, timestamps_october, path_october)
@save "neid_RVlinebyline_nxt_day.jld2"
jldopen("neid_RVlinebyline_nxt_day.jld2", "a+") do file
file["name"] = line_names
file["rv"] = RV_all_lines
file["rv_error"] = RV_error_all_lines

function compare_spec_sources() # out of transit line comparsion between IAS, GRASS, and NEID
neid_timestamps = ["2023-10-14T19:03:06.500000"] # last timestamp (out of transit)
path_october = "/storage/group/ebf11/default/pipeline/neid_solar/data/v1.3/L2/2023/10/14/"
Expand All @@ -484,6 +476,6 @@ function compare_spec_sources() # out of transit line comparsion between IAS, GR
timestamps, path_october, "neid_october_N_50", "SSD")

# neid_eclipse()
# neid_nxt_day()
# compare_spec_sources()
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions scripts/debug_gpu_eclipse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
using Revise
using GRASS
using SPICE
using CSV
using DataFrames
import PyPlot
plt = PyPlot

#NEID location
obs_lat = 31.9583
obs_long = -111.5967
alt = 2.097938

#convert from utc to et as needed by SPICE
time_stamps = utc2et.(["2023-10-14T14:29:23.500000"])

N = 50
Nt = length(time_stamps)
Nsubgrid = 4
disk = GRASS.DiskParamsEclipse(N=N, Nt=Nt, Nsubgrid=Nsubgrid)

lines = [5434.5232] # array of line centers
depths = [0.6] # array of line depths
templates = ["FeI_5434"] # template data to use
variability = trues(length(lines)) # whether or not the bisectors should "dance"
blueshifts = zeros(length(lines)) # set convective blueshift value
resolution = 7e5 # spectral resolution

# make the disk and spec composite type instances
spec = GRASS.SpecParams(lines=lines, depths=depths, variability=variability,
blueshifts=blueshifts, templates=templates, resolution=resolution)


wsp = GRASS.SynthWorkspaceEclipse(disk, 1, Nt, verbose=true)
mem = GRASS.GeoWorkspaceEclipse(disk, 1, Nt)
LD_type = "SSD"

mu_grid_matrix = Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, length(disk.ϕc), maximum(disk.Nθ))
dA_total_proj_matrix = Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, length(disk.ϕc), maximum(disk.Nθ))
idx1_matrix = Matrix{Matrix{Int}}(undef, length(disk.ϕc), maximum(disk.Nθ))
idx3_matrix = Matrix{Matrix{Int}}(undef, length(disk.ϕc), maximum(disk.Nθ))
z_rot_matrix = Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, length(disk.ϕc), maximum(disk.Nθ))
zenith_matrix = Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}(undef, length(disk.ϕc), maximum(disk.Nθ))

# compute geometry for timestamp
t = 1

GRASS.eclipse_compute_quantities!(disk, time_stamps[t], t, obs_long, obs_lat, alt, wsp.ϕc, wsp.θc,
wsp.μs, wsp.dA,, wsp.ax_codes,
mem.dA_total_proj_mean, mem.mean_weight_v_no_cb,
mem.mean_weight_v_earth_orb, mem.pole_vector_grid,
mem.SP_sun_pos, mem.SP_sun_vel, mem.SP_bary, mem.SP_bary_pos,
mem.SP_bary_vel, mem.OP_bary, mem.mu_grid, mem.projected_velocities_no_cb,
mem.distance, mem.v_scalar_grid, mem.v_earth_orb_proj, mu_grid_matrix,
dA_total_proj_matrix, idx1_matrix, idx3_matrix, z_rot_matrix, zenith_matrix)

lambdas_cpu, outspec_cpu = GRASS.eclipse_compute_intensity(disk, lines, 1.0, LD_type, idx1_matrix, idx3_matrix,
mu_grid_matrix, z_rot_matrix, dA_total_proj_matrix, wsp.ld, wsp.z_rot, zenith_matrix,
wsp.μs, wsp.ax_codes, wsp.dA, wsp.μs, wsp.ax_codes, wsp.dA, true, t, wsp.ext)

gpu_allocs = GRASS.GPUAllocsEclipse(spec, disk, 1)

GRASS.calc_eclipse_quantities_gpu!(time_stamps[t], obs_long, obs_lat, alt, lines, LD_type, 1.0, 1.0, disk, gpu_allocs)

# make a plot
plt.imshow(wsp.dA .- Array(gpu_allocs.dA))
# plt.imshow(wsp.z_rot .* GRASS.c_ms, vmin=-2000, vmax=2000, cmap="seismic")
# plt.imshow(Array(gpu_allocs.z_rot) .* GRASS.c_ms .- wsp.z_rot .* GRASS.c_ms)
#z_rot & dA
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/gpu/gpu_precomps_eclipse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -249,15 +249,15 @@ function calc_eclipse_quantities_gpu!(wavelength, μs, z_rot, ax_codes,
dA_sub *= μ_sub
dA_sum += dA_sub

# iterate counter
count += 1

# calculate distance
n2 = CUDA.sqrt(OM_bary[1]^2.0 + OM_bary[2]^2.0 + OM_bary[3]^2.0)
d2 = acos((OM_bary[1] * OP_bary_x + OM_bary[2] * OP_bary_y + OM_bary[3] * OP_bary_z) / (n2 * n1))
if (d2 < atan(moon_radius/n2))

# iterate counter
count += 1

# zenith
n3 = CUDA.sqrt(EO_bary[1]^2.0 + EO_bary[2]^2.0 + EO_bary[3]^2.0)
Expand Down
112 changes: 88 additions & 24 deletions src/velocities.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import EchelleCCFs: MeasureRvFromCCFGaussian as GaussianFit
import EchelleCCFs: MeasureRvFromCCFQuadratic as QuadraticFit
import EchelleCCFs: AbstractCCFMaskShape as MaskShape
import EchelleCCFs: AbstractMeasureRvFromCCF as FitType
import RvSpectMLBase: searchsortednearest

calc_ccf(lambdas, flux, lines, depths, resolution; normalize=true)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,41 +239,104 @@ Calculate apparent radial velocity from a CCF and velocity grid.
- `v_grid::AbstractArray{Float64,1}`: List of velocities returned by calc_ccf.
- `ccf::AbstractArray{Float64,1}`: CCF values returned by calc_ccf.
function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AA{Float64,1}, ccf::AA{Float64,1}, var::AA{Float64,1};
fit_type::Type{T}=GaussianFit) where {T<:FitType}
function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AA{Float64,1}, ccf::AA{Float64,1};
fit_type::Type{T}=GaussianFit) where {T<:FitType}
mrv = T(frac_of_width_to_fit=frac_of_width_to_fit)
return mrv(v_grid, ccf, var)
return mrv(v_grid, ccf)

function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AA{T,1}, ccf::AA{T,2}, var::AA{T,2}; kwargs...) where {T<:Float64}
func = x -> calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid, x, var; kwargs...)
function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AA{T,1}, ccf::AA{T,2}; kwargs...) where {T<:Float64}
func = x -> calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid, x; kwargs...)
out = mapslices(func, ccf, dims=1)
return vec.(unzip(out))

function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AA{Float64,1}, ccf::AA{Float64,1};
function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AbstractArray{Float64,1}, ccf::AbstractArray{Float64,1}, var::AbstractArray{Float64,1};
fit_type::Type{T}=GaussianFit) where {T<:FitType}
mrv = T(frac_of_width_to_fit=frac_of_width_to_fit)
return mrv(v_grid, ccf)
return MeasureRvFromCCFGaussian_New(v_grid, ccf, var, mrv)

function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AA{T,1}, ccf::AA{T,2}; kwargs...) where {T<:Float64}
func = x -> calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid, x; kwargs...)
out = mapslices(func, ccf, dims=1)
return vec.(unzip(out))
@. gaussian_line_helper(x, p) = p[4] + p[3] * exp(-0.5*((x-p[1])/p[2])^2)

function MeasureRvFromCCFGaussian_New(vels::A1, ccf::A2, ccf_var::A3, mrv) where {T1<:Real, A1<:AbstractArray{T1,1}, T2<:Real, A2<:AbstractArray{T2,1}, T3<:Real, A3<:AbstractArray{T3,1} }
if all(ccf .== zero(eltype(ccf))) return (rv=NaN, σ_rv=NaN) end
# find the min and fit only the part near the minimum of the CCF
amin, inds = find_idx_at_and_around_minimum(vels, ccf, frac_of_width_to_fit=mrv.frac_of_width_to_fit, measure_width_at_frac_depth=mrv.measure_width_at_frac_depth)
if isnan(amin) return (rv=NaN, σ_rv=NaN) end

# make initial guess parameters
μ = vels[amin]
σ = mrv.init_guess_ccf_σ
minccf, maxccf = extrema(ccf)
amp = minccf - maxccf
y0 = maxccf
p0 = [μ, σ, amp, y0]

local rvfit
# fit and return the mean of the distribution
result = curve_fit(gaussian_line_helper, view(vels,inds), view(ccf,inds), (1.0 ./ view(ccf_var,inds)), p0)

if result.converged
rv = coef(result)[1]
sigma_rv = stderror_new(result)[1]
rvfit = (rv=rv, σ_rv=sigma_rv)
return rvfit

function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AA{Float64,1}, ccf::AA{Float64,1};
fit_type::Type{T}=GaussianFit) where {T<:FitType}
mrv = T(frac_of_width_to_fit=frac_of_width_to_fit)
return mrv(v_grid, ccf)
function vcov_new(fit)
# computes covariance matrix of fit parameters
J = fit.jacobian

covar = inv(J' * J) * mse(fit)
return covar

function calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid::AA{T,1}, ccf::AA{T,2}; kwargs...) where {T<:Float64}
func = x -> calc_rvs_from_ccf(v_grid, x; kwargs...)
out = mapslices(func, ccf, dims=1)
return vec.(unzip(out))
function stderror_new(fit; rtol::Real=NaN, atol::Real=0)
covar = vcov_new(fit)
# then the standard errors are given by the sqrt of the diagonal
vars = diag(covar)
return sqrt.(abs.(vars))

function est_full_width(vels::A1, ccf::A2; measure_width_at_frac_depth::Real = default_measure_width_at_frac_depth ) where {T1<:Real, A1<:AbstractArray{T1,1}, T2<:Real, A2<:AbstractArray{T2,1} }
minccf, maxccf = extrema(ccf)
depth = maxccf - minccf
target_val = minccf + (1-measure_width_at_frac_depth) * depth
ind1 = findfirst(ccf .<= target_val)
ind2 = findlast(ccf .<= target_val)
if isnothing(ind1) || isnothing(ind2)
return NaN
println("ccf = ",ccf)
println("minccf= ", minccf, " maxccf= ", maxccf, " depth= ", depth, " measure_width_at_frac_depth= ", measure_width_at_frac_depth, " targetval= ",target_val, " ind1= ", ind1, " ind2= ", ind2)
@error "est_full_width failed."
return vels[ind2] - vels[ind1]

function find_idx_at_and_around_minimum(vels::A1, ccf::A2; frac_of_width_to_fit::Real = default_frac_of_width_to_fit, measure_width_at_frac_depth::Real = default_measure_width_at_frac_depth) where {T1<:Real, A1<:AbstractArray{T1,1}, T2<:Real, A2<:AbstractArray{T2,1} }
# do a prelim fit to get the width
full_width = est_full_width(vels, ccf, measure_width_at_frac_depth=measure_width_at_frac_depth)
if isnan(full_width)
return (NaN, 1:length(vels))

# find the min and fit only that
amin = argmin(ccf)
if amin == 1 || amin==length(vels)
offset = max(1,floor(Int64,length(vels)//4))
amin = argmin(view(ccf,offset:(length(vels)-offset)))
amin += offset-1
lend = vels[amin] - frac_of_width_to_fit * full_width
rend = vels[amin] + frac_of_width_to_fit * full_width
# get the indices
lind = searchsortednearest(view(vels,1:amin), lend)
rind = amin + searchsortednearest(view(vels,(amin+1):length(vels)), rend)
inds = lind:rind

return (amin, inds)

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