v3.0.0 (major release)
- added BatSplay.find_opt and BatMap.find_opt
(nicoTolly, review by Francois Berenger) - BatList and BatArray: sum of an empty container now return 0 rather than
raising an exception.
(Cedric Cellier, report by Simon Cruanes, review by François Berenger) - BatString: split_on_char and nsplit now return a sigle empty string (rather
than an empty list) on empty strings.
#845, #846
(Cedric Cellier, report by Thibault Suzanne, review by François Berenger) - BatSeq: change Exceptionless.combine signature to make it really
(Cedric Cellier, report by Hezekiah M. Carty, review by François Berenger) - BatOo: This module was unwelcomed and has been removed
(Cedric Cellier, report by Max Mouratov, review by François Berenger) - BatFilename: Added to Batteries from the stdlib, with the addition of
(Cedric Cellier, report and review by François Berenger) - BatSet: the Infix module is no more, as it was incompatible with
(Cedric Cellier, review by Gabriel Scherer and François Berenger) - BatIO: make the ?cleanup parameter of BatIO.input_channel true by default:
closing the returned input will close the underlying input channel
#109, #489
(Simon Cruanes, report by Michael Ekstrand) - BatArray: add split : 'a BatOrd.ord -> 'a array -> 'a -> int * int
search for the range equal to a given element in a sorted array
#443, #470
(Simon Cruanes, Gabriel Scherer, request by François Berenger) - BatEnum: BatEnum.combine is now curried, just like List.combine,
its signature changes from:
val combine: 'a t * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
val combine: 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
(François Berenger) - PSet: add a ?cmp argument to every function that creates a PSet:
of_enum, of_list, of_array are changed. The default value is Pervasives.compare.
(Cedric Cellier)