A monorepo for the Ecosync - an app to to bridge the gaps, streamline processes, and enhance accountability through technological innovation.
Step 1: To build, deploy db schema
# To build and run all docker containers
docker compose up -d --build
# To deploy the database schema
docker container exec -d web npm run deploy -w @ecosync/db
Step 2: To seed database with initial data
# To go inside docker container
docker exec -it web bash
# To seed the database with inital data (including some dummy data)
npm run seed -w @ecosync/db
Runs on:
Email: [email protected]
Password: password
- Have Node v20
- Bun v1 installed
To start other service except web
docker compose up -d db redis cube
To install dependancies
npm ci
To deploy the database schema
npm run deploy -w @ecosync/db
To seed the database with inital data (including some dummy data)
npm run seed -w @ecosync/db
To build web app
npm run build -w @ecosync/web
To start web app
npm start -w @ecosync/web
- NextJS 14: As the frontend framework as well as the backend
- Postgresql: As the core database for OLTP storage
- CubeJs: As the OLAP DB to pre-aggregate statistics for speed and scalibity
- TailwindCSS: As the CSS Utility for styling