create a python eviroment: $ conda create --name snakes python=3.6
acticate the envirment: $ conda activate snakes
intall the following packegs via pip
pip install dash pip install dash-core-components pip install dash-daq pip install dash-html-components pip install dash-renderer pip install dash-table pip install plotly
run the program: $ ./index.py
use your browser and got to
index.py is the entry of the prgram. Here we specify the layout of the homepage and the available apps.
the apps are located inside the folder apps/appsX.py.
code_gen.py generates the ratlib.py which contains all the functions to compute the ratios.
aux.py contans helpers to for numerical evaluation
First revise the code_gen.py and see if you understand the logic.
Create your own script to load ratlib and evalute the ratio functions using the helpers at aux.py. See the function test as code_gen.py
Not that you know how the ratlib works, go to the apps and pick up an app and revise its code.
We use dash, which is the magic behind the scenes. The basic ingridients are layouts and call backs. Refer to dash tutorial for more info.
Try to create your own app.