Welcome to my portfolio website, a unique blend of creativity and functionality. This project showcases my skills, projects, and experiences as a full-stack developer, presented in a playful yet professional design. This is my first project using Deno and Fresh, marking an exciting learning milestone in my development journey. It uses technologies and tools recommended by @EthanThatOneKid.
This project is inspired by command terminals, a daily part of a coders life. The terminal-like design aims to evoke the power and simplicity of working in a command-line environment, providing a functional yet stylish user interface for developers. It is also inspired by fake hacking websites, Pranx, GitHub, a quote by John Nunemaker, and the Advent of Code!
Check out the live version of my portfolio here.
Your new Fresh project is ready to go. You can follow the Fresh "Getting Started" guide here: https://fresh.deno.dev/docs/getting-started
Make sure to install Deno: https://deno.land/manual/getting_started/installation
Then start the project:
deno task start
This will watch the project directory and restart as necessary.