Estimate multinomial processing tree (MPT) models, a model class popular
in cognitive psychology, in a Bayesian framework using package brms
(i.e., ultimately Stan
). This allows specifying models with any type
of multivariate normal hierarchical or multilevel structure, including
models with single and multiple random effects (i.e., crossed random
effects). Model specification can be tailored for each model parameter.
You can install the development version of mptstan
GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Because mptstan
is based on brms
and therefore Stan
, you will need
a C++ compiler to use the package. Installation instructions for a C++
compiler for your operating system can be found here:
We begin the analysis by loading mptstan
. We then use options()
auto-detect the numbers of cores and ensure fitting uses multiple cores.
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
We show the analysis of a recognition memory data set (from Singmann,
Kellen, & Klauer, 2013) using the unsure-extended 2-high threshold model
to a dataset investigating the other-race effect (i.e., a study with two
different types of old and new items, own-race faces and other-race
faces). This data is available in mptstan
as skk13
. We will analyse
this data using crossed-random effects for participants and items.
#> 'data.frame': 8400 obs. of 7 variables:
#> $ id : Factor w/ 42 levels "1","3","5","6",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#> $ trial: Factor w/ 200 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
#> $ race : Factor w/ 2 levels "german","arabic": 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ...
#> $ type : Factor w/ 2 levels "old","new": 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 ...
#> $ resp : Factor w/ 3 levels "old","unsure",..: 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 ...
#> $ rt : num 4.68 2.75 4.25 1.6 0.95 ...
#> $ stim : Factor w/ 200 levels "A001","A002",..: 40 132 117 143 140 162 193 19 120 170 ...
Becuase we want the MPT model parameters to differ across the race
factor in the data (i.e., the race of the to-be-recognised face), we set
contrasts appropriate for Bayesian models for the current R
using options(contrasts = ...)
. In particular, we use the contrasts
proposed by Rouder et al. (2012) that guarantee two things: (a)
contrasts sum to zero: for each factor/coefficient, 0 corresponds to the
mean value and not to a specific factor level. Consequently, these
contrasts are appropriate for models that include interactions. (b)
contrasts have the same marginal priors for each factor level. These
priors are available in package bayestestR
as contr.equalprior
(Note that setting contrasts using options()
affect most regression
functions in R
, such as lm
and lmer
options(contrasts=c('contr.sum', 'contr.equalprior'))
The first step when using mptstan
is the creation of a MPT model
object using make_mpt()
(which creates an object of class
can read MPT models in both the commonly used EQN
format (e.g., used by TreeBUGS
) and the easy
format introduced by
# For the easy EQN format, we just need the EQN file location:
EQNFILE <- system.file("extdata", "u2htm.eqn", package = "mptstan")
u2htsm_model <- make_mpt(EQNFILE) ## make_mpt() auto-detects EQN files from name
#> model type auto-detected as 'eqn'
#> Warning: parameter names ending with a number amended with 'x'
#> MPT model with 4 independent categories (from 2 trees) and 4 parameters:
#> Dn, Do, g1x, g2x
#> Tree 1: old
#> Categories: old, unsure, new
#> Parameters: Do, g1x, g2x
#> Tree 2: new
#> Categories: old, unsure, new
#> Parameters: Dn, g1x, g2x
## Alternatively, we can just enter the equations and use the easy format.
u2htm <- "
# Old Items
Do + (1 - Do) * (1 - g1) * g2
(1 - Do) * g1
(1 - Do) * (1 - g1) * (1 - g2)
# New Items
(1 - Dn) * (1 - g1) * g2
(1 - Dn) * g1
Dn + (1 - Dn) * (1 - g1) * (1 - g2)
# for the easy format, we need to specify tree names and category names
u2htsm_model_2 <- make_mpt(text = u2htm,
trees = c("old", "new"),
categories = rep(c("old", "unsure", "new"), 2))
#> Warning: parameter names ending with a number amended with 'x'
#> MPT model with 4 independent categories (from 2 trees) and 4 parameters:
#> Dn, Do, g1x, g2x
#> Tree 1: old
#> Categories: old, unsure, new
#> Parameters: Do, g1x, g2x
#> Tree 2: new
#> Categories: old, unsure, new
#> Parameters: Dn, g1x, g2x
As shown in the output, if a model parameter ends with a number,
adds an x
to the parameter name (as brms
cannot handle
custom parameters ending with a number). If a model already has a
parameter with this name (i.e., the original parameter name ending with
a number plus x) this might leave to problems and should be avoided.
The second and optional step is creating an MPT formula object with
. Here, we show the case in which the same formula
applies to all MPT model parameters. In this case, we specify only a
single formula and also need to pass the MPT model object (as the
In the formula, the left-hand-side specifies the response variable (in
the present case resp
) and the right-hand side specifies the
fixed-effect regression coefficients and random-effect (i.e.,
multilevel) strutucre using the brms
-extended lme4
syntax. Here, we
have one fixed-effect, for the race
factor. Furthermore, we have both
by-participant and by-item random-effect terms. For the by-participant
random-effect term we estimate both random intercepts and random slopes
for race
(as race
is a within-participants factor). For the by-item
random-effect term we only estimate random intercepts. For both
random-effect terms we add a unique identifier between the regression
structure for the random-effect term (i.e., race
or 1
) and the
grouping factor (i.e., id
and stim
), p
for participants and i
for items. These identifiers ensures that random-effect correlations are
estimated across MPT model parameters. In other words, these identifiers
ensure that for each random-effect term the full correlation matrix
across all MPT model parameters is estimated in line with Klauer’s
(2010) latent trait approach.
u2htm_formula <- mpt_formula(resp ~ race + (race|p|id) + (1|i|stim),
model = u2htsm_model)
#> MPT formulas (response: resp):
#> Dn ~ race + (race | p | id) + (1 | i | stim)
#> <environment: 0x000002794dd02498>
#> Do ~ race + (race | p | id) + (1 | i | stim)
#> <environment: 0x000002794dd02498>
#> g1x ~ race + (race | p | id) + (1 | i | stim)
#> <environment: 0x000002794dd02498>
#> g2x ~ race + (race | p | id) + (1 | i | stim)
#> <environment: 0x000002794dd02498>
As shown in the output, if we specify a MPT model formula with only a
single formula, this formula applies to all MPT model parameters. In
this case, using mpt_formula()
is optional and we could also specify
the formula as the first argument of the fitting function, mpt()
Creating a formula object is not optional if you want to specify an
individual and potentially different formula for each MPT model
parameter. In this case, the left-hand-side of each formula needs to
specify the MPT model parameter and the response variable needs to be
specified via the response
argument. For examples, see ?mpt_formula
With the MPT model object and model formula we are ready to fit the MPT
model. For this, we use function mpt()
which in addition to the two
aforementioned objects requires the data as well as the variable in the
data distinguishing to which tree (or data type) a particular response
belongs. In the present case that is the type
variable. (The tree
variable can only be omitted in case the model consists of solely one
In addition to the required arguments (model object, formula, data, and
tree variable), we can pass further arguments to brms::brm()
onward to rstan::stan()
, which ultimately performs the MCMC sampling.
Here, we also pass init_r = 0.5
which ensures that the random start
values are drawn from a uniform distribution ranging from -0.5 to 0.5
(instead of the default -2 to 2). Our testing has shown that with
init_r = 0.5
MPT models with random-effect terms are much less likely
to fail initialisation. We could pass further arguments such as
, warmup
, iter
, or thin
to control the MCMC sampling.
Note that fitting this model can take up to an an hour or longer (depending on your computer).
fit_skk <- mpt(u2htm_formula, data = skk13,
tree = "type",
init_r = 0.5
#> Warning: Bulk Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior means and medians may be unreliable.
#> Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
#> Warning: Tail Effective Samples Size (ESS) is too low, indicating posterior variances and tail quantiles may be unreliable.
#> Running the chains for more iterations may help. See
uses brms::brm()
for model estimation and returns a
object. As a consequence, the full post-processing
functionality of brms
and associated packages is available (e.g.,
, tidybayes
). However, for the time being mptstan
does not
contain many MPT-specific post-processing functionality. Thus, the
post-processing functionality is mostly what is available.
Whereas this functionality is rather sophisticated and flexible, it is
not always perfect for MPT models with many parameters.
When inspecting post-processing output from brms
, the most important
thing to understand is that brms
does not label the first parameter in
a model (i.e., as shown in the model object). For example, the model
parameter Intercept
refers to the intercept of the first MPT model
parameter (i.e., Dn
in the present case). All other parameters are
labelled with the corresponding MPT model parameter name, but not the
first MPT model parameter.
The default summary()
method for brms
objects first lists the
estimates for the random-effects terms and then the estimates of the
fixed-effects regression coefficients. As mentioned in the previous
paragraphs, all estimates have a label clarifying which MPT model
parameter they refer to with the exception of estimates referring to the
first MPT model parameter, here Dn
#> Family: mpt
#> Links: mu = probit; Do = probit; g1x = probit; g2x = probit
#> Formula: resp ~ race + (race | p | id) + (1 | i | stim)
#> Do ~ race + (race | p | id) + (1 | i | stim)
#> g1x ~ race + (race | p | id) + (1 | i | stim)
#> g2x ~ race + (race | p | id) + (1 | i | stim)
#> Data: structure(list(id = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L (Number of observations: 8400)
#> Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2000; warmup = 1000; thin = 1;
#> total post-warmup draws = 4000
#> Multilevel Hyperparameters:
#> ~id (Number of levels: 42)
#> Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
#> sd(Intercept) 0.77 0.17 0.48 1.15 1.00 1023 1907
#> sd(race1) 0.11 0.08 0.00 0.32 1.01 923 1329
#> sd(Do_Intercept) 0.56 0.09 0.42 0.75 1.00 1183 1994
#> sd(Do_race1) 0.09 0.05 0.01 0.21 1.02 357 613
#> sd(g1x_Intercept) 1.07 0.15 0.81 1.41 1.00 1325 2191
#> sd(g1x_race1) 0.15 0.04 0.07 0.24 1.00 1501 1548
#> sd(g2x_Intercept) 0.54 0.09 0.38 0.74 1.00 974 1883
#> sd(g2x_race1) 0.24 0.06 0.13 0.37 1.00 591 1192
#> cor(Intercept,race1) -0.06 0.34 -0.68 0.61 1.00 2515 2236
#> cor(Intercept,Do_Intercept) 0.45 0.17 0.08 0.74 1.01 697 838
#> cor(race1,Do_Intercept) -0.09 0.34 -0.70 0.56 1.04 175 642
#> cor(Intercept,Do_race1) 0.06 0.29 -0.51 0.59 1.00 1998 2964
#> cor(race1,Do_race1) -0.06 0.34 -0.66 0.60 1.01 888 2492
#> cor(Do_Intercept,Do_race1) 0.19 0.30 -0.43 0.71 1.00 2638 2390
#> cor(Intercept,g1x_Intercept) -0.03 0.21 -0.41 0.38 1.00 352 998
#> cor(race1,g1x_Intercept) -0.04 0.32 -0.65 0.55 1.02 194 571
#> cor(Do_Intercept,g1x_Intercept) 0.02 0.16 -0.29 0.34 1.00 1192 1740
#> cor(Do_race1,g1x_Intercept) -0.22 0.28 -0.70 0.37 1.02 230 368
#> cor(Intercept,g1x_race1) -0.16 0.23 -0.58 0.32 1.00 1644 2755
#> cor(race1,g1x_race1) -0.08 0.32 -0.67 0.54 1.02 322 1223
#> cor(Do_Intercept,g1x_race1) 0.26 0.22 -0.18 0.66 1.00 2997 3290
#> cor(Do_race1,g1x_race1) -0.03 0.31 -0.62 0.57 1.00 1241 2420
#> cor(g1x_Intercept,g1x_race1) 0.27 0.25 -0.24 0.69 1.00 3110 3015
#> cor(Intercept,g2x_Intercept) -0.43 0.19 -0.76 -0.03 1.01 494 977
#> cor(race1,g2x_Intercept) 0.01 0.31 -0.60 0.60 1.01 333 896
#> cor(Do_Intercept,g2x_Intercept) 0.02 0.18 -0.32 0.38 1.00 1521 2482
#> cor(Do_race1,g2x_Intercept) 0.01 0.28 -0.55 0.55 1.00 727 1376
#> cor(g1x_Intercept,g2x_Intercept) 0.18 0.18 -0.18 0.52 1.00 914 2182
#> cor(g1x_race1,g2x_Intercept) 0.24 0.24 -0.24 0.68 1.00 1049 1985
#> cor(Intercept,g2x_race1) 0.31 0.22 -0.16 0.69 1.01 738 1589
#> cor(race1,g2x_race1) 0.11 0.33 -0.53 0.70 1.01 450 1083
#> cor(Do_Intercept,g2x_race1) 0.17 0.19 -0.23 0.53 1.00 1683 2378
#> cor(Do_race1,g2x_race1) 0.15 0.30 -0.50 0.67 1.00 581 1029
#> cor(g1x_Intercept,g2x_race1) 0.13 0.21 -0.29 0.52 1.00 1023 2122
#> cor(g1x_race1,g2x_race1) -0.15 0.27 -0.63 0.38 1.00 1480 2458
#> cor(g2x_Intercept,g2x_race1) -0.13 0.22 -0.55 0.31 1.01 912 2153
#> ~stim (Number of levels: 200)
#> Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
#> sd(Intercept) 0.87 0.14 0.63 1.17 1.00 789 1991
#> sd(Do_Intercept) 0.43 0.06 0.33 0.55 1.01 860 1793
#> sd(g1x_Intercept) 0.06 0.04 0.00 0.15 1.01 750 1745
#> sd(g2x_Intercept) 0.42 0.06 0.30 0.55 1.02 391 1025
#> cor(Intercept,Do_Intercept) 0.31 0.16 -0.01 0.62 1.01 299 1006
#> cor(Intercept,g1x_Intercept) -0.16 0.40 -0.83 0.69 1.00 2757 2354
#> cor(Do_Intercept,g1x_Intercept) -0.25 0.39 -0.86 0.61 1.00 2165 2387
#> cor(Intercept,g2x_Intercept) -0.45 0.22 -0.84 -0.01 1.02 219 578
#> cor(Do_Intercept,g2x_Intercept) -0.05 0.19 -0.39 0.35 1.01 378 793
#> cor(g1x_Intercept,g2x_Intercept) -0.09 0.38 -0.80 0.66 1.02 116 274
#> Regression Coefficients:
#> Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
#> Intercept -0.55 0.21 -0.98 -0.18 1.00 560 1447
#> Do_Intercept 0.13 0.11 -0.08 0.34 1.00 1078 1644
#> g1x_Intercept -1.35 0.17 -1.70 -1.02 1.00 1289 2219
#> g2x_Intercept -0.38 0.12 -0.61 -0.15 1.00 875 2056
#> race1 0.37 0.11 0.15 0.60 1.00 1166 2217
#> Do_race1 0.01 0.05 -0.10 0.11 1.00 1372 1850
#> g1x_race1 -0.06 0.04 -0.15 0.03 1.00 2212 2182
#> g2x_race1 -0.13 0.07 -0.27 0.01 1.00 1018 2631
#> Draws were sampled using sampling(NUTS). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
#> and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
#> scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).
Typically the primary interest is in the fixed-effect regression coefficients which can be found in the table labelled “Regression Coefficients”. Some of these estimates are smaller than zero or larger than one, which is not possible for MPT parameter estimates (which are on the probability scale). The reason for such values is that the estimates are shown on the unconstrained or linear – that is, probit – scale.
Looking at the table of regression coefficients we see two different
types of estimates for each of the four MPT model parameters, four
intercepts and four slopes for the effect of race (recall that estimates
without a parameter label are for the Dn
parameter). When inspecting
the four slopes in more detail we can see that only for one of the
slopes, the race1
coefficient for the Dn
parameter, does the 95% CI
not include 0. This indicates that there is evidence that Dn
for the two different types of face stimuli (i.e., German versus Arabic
faces). This finding is in line with the results reported in Singmann et
al. (2013). Hence, even though the table of regression coefficients is
on the probit scale, we can in situations such as the present one still
derive meaningful conclusions from it.
One way to obtain the estimates on the MPT parameter scale is by using
package emmeans
. mptstan
comes with a convenience wrapper to
, called mpt_emmeans()
, which provides output for each MPT
model parameter simultaneously but otherwise works exactly like the
mpt_emmeans(fit_skk, "race")
#> parameter race response lower.HPD upper.HPD
#> Dn german 0.4353 0.2672 0.594
#> Dn arabic 0.1828 0.0645 0.303
#> Do german 0.5579 0.4598 0.650
#> Do arabic 0.5485 0.4559 0.634
#> g1x german 0.0813 0.0355 0.143
#> g1x arabic 0.0992 0.0461 0.159
#> g2x german 0.3070 0.2155 0.412
#> g2x arabic 0.4046 0.3068 0.510
#> Point estimate displayed: median
#> Results are back-transformed from the probit scale
#> HPD interval probability: 0.95
We can also use the special syntax "1"
to get the overall mean
estimate for each parameter. Note that, because of the non-linear probit
transformation, this might be different from the means of the marginal
mpt_emmeans(fit_skk, "1")
#> parameter 1 response lower.HPD upper.HPD
#> Dn overall 0.2968 0.1663 0.432
#> Do overall 0.5532 0.4709 0.636
#> g1x overall 0.0903 0.0393 0.147
#> g2x overall 0.3542 0.2685 0.439
#> Results are averaged over the levels of: race
#> Point estimate displayed: median
#> Results are back-transformed from the probit scale
#> HPD interval probability: 0.95
Another MPT model specific function is ppp_test()
, which calculate a
posterior predictive
In the present case the
#> t1_p.value t1_model t1_data
#> 0.510 3227.448 3224.284
As mentioned above, mptstan
also provides full integration for brms
For example, we can obtain graphical posterior predictive checks using
. For MPT models, type = "bars_grouped"
provides a helpful
plot if we additional pass group = "mpt_tree"
(which creates one panel
per tree). We can also change the x-axis labels to match the response
pp_check(fit_skk, type = "bars_grouped", group = "mpt_tree", ndraws = 100) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:3, labels = c("old", "unsure", "new"))
#> Scale for x is already present.
#> Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.
In addition, we can directly obtain information criteria such as loo or get posterior mean/expectation predictions for each observation.
(loo_model <- loo(fit_skk))
#> Computed from 4000 by 8400 log-likelihood matrix.
#> Estimate SE
#> elpd_loo 5144.5 23.2
#> p_loo 63.7 0.4
#> looic -10289.0 46.5
#> ------
#> MCSE of elpd_loo is 0.1.
#> MCSE and ESS estimates assume MCMC draws (r_eff in [0.2, 1.7]).
#> All Pareto k estimates are good (k < 0.7).
#> See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.
pepred <- posterior_epred(fit_skk)
str(pepred) ## [sample, observation, response category]
#> num [1:4000, 1:8400, 1:3] 0.465 0.686 0.46 0.496 0.394 ...
comes with default priors for the fixed-effect regression
coefficients. For the intercepts, it uses a Normal(0, 1) prior and for
all non-intercept coefficients (i.e., slopes) Normal(0, 0.5) prior.
These priors can be changed through the default_prior_intercept
arguments (see ?mpt
For the hierarchical structure, mptstan
uses the brms
- Klauer, K. C. (2010). Hierarchical Multinomial Processing Tree Models: A Latent-Trait Approach. Psychometrika, 75(1), 70-98.
- Rouder, J. N., Morey, R. D., Speckman, P. L., & Province, J. M. (2012). Default Bayes factors for ANOVA designs. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 56(5), 356–374.
- Singmann, H., Kellen, D., & Klauer, K. C. (2013). Investigating the Other-Race Effect of Germans towards Turks and Arabs using Multinomial Processing Tree Models. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1330–1335). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.