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HMPPS Visit Scheduler API


This is a Spring Boot application, written in Kotlin, providing visit schedule information. Used by Visits UI.

Posted event Specification Event docs


To build the project (without tests):

./gradlew clean build -x test



./gradlew test 


The visit-scheduler uses the deployed dev environment to connect to most of the required services, with an exception of the scheduler-db and local-stack.

To run the visit-scheduler, first start the required local services using docker-compose.

docker-compose up -d

Next create a .env file at the project root and add 2 secrets to it

SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID="get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace"
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SECRET"get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace"

Then create a Spring Boot run configuration with active profile of 'dev' and set an environments file to the .env file we just created. Run the service in your chosen IDE.


Service Port
visit-scheduler 8081
visit-scheduler-db 5432

Populating local Db with data

Connect to the localhost database and run this script resources/db.scripts.mvp/R__Session_Template_Data.sql

Auth token retrieval

To create a Token via curl (local):

curl --location --request POST "" --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n {Client}:{ClientSecret} | base64)"

or via postman collection using the following authorisation urls:

Grant type: Client Credentials
Access Token URL:
Client ID: <get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace>
Client Secret: <get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace>
Client Authentication: "Send as Basic Auth Header"

Call info endpoint:

$ curl 'http://localhost:8081/info' -i -X GET

How to restore pre prod from production on demand

Normally the data in preprod is updated from prod on an interval bases (2 weeks) but some time you need to update now.

kubectl create job --dry-run=client -n visit-someone-in-prison-backend-svc-prod  --from=cronjob/<cron-job> <cron-job>-<user-name> -o "json" \
| jq ".spec.template.spec.containers[0].env += [{ \"name\": \"FORCE_RUN\", \"value\": \"true\"}]" | kubectl apply -f -

To get the (--from=cronjob/) name you must run the following command

kubectl get cronjobs -n visit-someone-in-prison-backend-svc-prod

The is basically who did the restore in this case I have added ae see the actual command I used :

kubectl create job --dry-run=client -n visit-someone-in-prison-backend-svc-prod  --from=cronjob/visit-scheduler-postgres-restore visit-scheduler-postgres-restore-ae -o "json" \
| jq ".spec.template.spec.containers[0].env += [{ \"name\": \"FORCE_RUN\", \"value\": \"true\"}]" | kubectl apply -f -

for more information see

How to connect to DB from command line

Prerequisites : setup forwarding to the DB in question and use same port

Get db_name and user name and password using

kubectl -n <name_space> get secrets <rds_name>   -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'

Then run the below command with the acquired details from above:

psql \
--host localhost \
--port <FORWARD_PORT> \
--dbname <DB_NAME> \
--username <USER_NAME> \
--password <PASSWORD>

Useful psql commands

list active sqls

SELECT pid,query_start,query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'active';

Cancel active sql's

SELECT pg_cancel_backend(24544);

Restoring DB from last back up

Swagger v3

Visit Scheduler


Export Spec


Application Tracing

The application sends telemetry information to Azure Application Insights which allows log queries and end-to-end request tracing across services

Application Insights Events

Show all significant prison visit events

| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler' 
| where name startswith "visit-scheduler-prison" 
| summarize count() by name

Available custom events

  • session-template-created - a session template was created. It will contain the template id

  • session-template-deleted - a session template was deleted. It will contain the template id

  • visit-slot-reserved - a visit slot was reserved. It will contain the visit's application reference and basic information about the visit

  • application-slot-changed - a visit change was started. It will contain the visit's application reference, reference and status

  • visit-changed - a booked visit was being changed. It will contain the visit's application reference, reference and basic information about the visit

  • visit-booked - a visit was booked. It will contain the visit's application reference, reference, status and an isUpdated flag to denote if it's a new or an updated visit

  • visit-expired-visits-deleted - expired visits were deleted. It will contain the list of expired application references that were deleted

  • visit-cancelled - a visit was cancelled. It will contain the visit's reference, status and outcome status

  • visit-migrated - a visit was migrated. It will contain the visit's reference and basic information about the visit

  • visit.booked-event - indicates a visit booked event was published. It will contain the message id and visit reference

  • visit.cancelled-event - indicates a visit cancelled event was published. It will contain the message id and visit reference

  • visit-publish-event-error - indicates publish visit event failed. It will contain the available exception message and cause

  • visit-access-denied-error - Access Denied Error. It will contain the available exception message and cause

  • visit-bad-request-error - Bad Request Error. It will contain the available exception message and cause

  • visit-internal-server-error - Internal Error. It will contain the available exception message and cause

| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler' 
| where name == 'visit-migrated'
| extend reference_ = tostring(customDimensions.reference)
| extend prisonerId_ = tostring(customDimensions.prisonerId)
| extend visitStatus_ = tostring(customDimensions.visitStatus)
Example queries


| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler' 
| summarize count() by name


| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler' 
| summarize RequestsCount=sum(itemCount), AverageDuration=avg(duration), percentiles(duration, 50, 95, 99) by operation_Name // you can replace 'operation_Name' with another value to segment by a different property
| order by RequestsCount desc // order from highest to lower (descending)


| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler' 
| where timestamp > ago(12h) 
| summarize avgRequestDuration=avg(duration) by bin(timestamp, 10m) // use a time grain of 10 minutes
| render timechart

Common gradle tasks

To list project dependencies, run:

./gradlew dependencies

To check for dependency updates, run:

./gradlew dependencyUpdates --warning-mode all

To run an OWASP dependency check, run:

./gradlew clean dependencyCheckAnalyze --info

To upgrade the gradle wrapper version, run:

./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=<VERSION>

To automatically update project dependencies, run:

./gradlew useLatestVersions

Ktlint Gradle Tasks

To run Ktlint check:

./gradlew ktlintCheck

To run Ktlint format:

./gradlew ktlintFormat

To apply ktlint styles to intellij

./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea

To register pre-commit check to run Ktlint format:

./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook 

...or to register pre-commit check to only run Ktlint check:

./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea addKtlintCheckGitPreCommitHook

Build checks

To run the CircleCI trivy scan locally download and install trivy, build the visit-scheduler docker image and run:

trivy image visit-scheduler_visit-scheduler


A microservice for managing the schedule of prison visits




Code of conduct

Security policy





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