This is a Spring Boot application, written in Kotlin, providing visit schedule information. Used by Visits UI.
To build the project (without tests):
./gradlew clean build -x test
./gradlew test
The visit-scheduler uses the deployed dev environment to connect to most of the required services, with an exception of the scheduler-db and local-stack.
To run the visit-scheduler, first start the required local services using docker-compose.
docker-compose up -d
Next create a .env file at the project root and add 2 secrets to it
SYSTEM_CLIENT_ID="get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace"
SYSTEM_CLIENT_SECRET"get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace"
Then create a Spring Boot run configuration with active profile of 'dev' and set an environments file to the
file we just created. Run the service in your chosen IDE.
Service | Port |
visit-scheduler | 8081 |
visit-scheduler-db | 5432 |
Connect to the localhost database and run this script resources/db.scripts.mvp/R__Session_Template_Data.sql
To create a Token via curl (local):
curl --location --request POST "" --header "Authorization: Basic $(echo -n {Client}:{ClientSecret} | base64)"
or via postman collection using the following authorisation urls:
Grant type: Client Credentials
Access Token URL:
Client ID: <get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace>
Client Secret: <get from kubernetes secrets for dev namespace>
Client Authentication: "Send as Basic Auth Header"
Call info endpoint:
$ curl 'http://localhost:8081/info' -i -X GET
Normally the data in preprod is updated from prod on an interval bases (2 weeks) but some time you need to update now.
kubectl create job --dry-run=client -n visit-someone-in-prison-backend-svc-prod --from=cronjob/<cron-job> <cron-job>-<user-name> -o "json" \
| jq ".spec.template.spec.containers[0].env += [{ \"name\": \"FORCE_RUN\", \"value\": \"true\"}]" | kubectl apply -f -
To get the (--from=cronjob/) name you must run the following command
kubectl get cronjobs -n visit-someone-in-prison-backend-svc-prod
The is basically who did the restore in this case I have added ae see the actual command I used :
kubectl create job --dry-run=client -n visit-someone-in-prison-backend-svc-prod --from=cronjob/visit-scheduler-postgres-restore visit-scheduler-postgres-restore-ae -o "json" \
| jq ".spec.template.spec.containers[0].env += [{ \"name\": \"FORCE_RUN\", \"value\": \"true\"}]" | kubectl apply -f -
for more information see
Prerequisites : setup forwarding to the DB in question and use same port
Get db_name and user name and password using
kubectl -n <name_space> get secrets <rds_name> -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'
Then run the below command with the acquired details from above:
psql \
--host localhost \
--port <FORWARD_PORT> \
--dbname <DB_NAME> \
--username <USER_NAME> \
--password <PASSWORD>
Useful psql commands
list active sqls
SELECT pid,query_start,query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = 'active';
Cancel active sql's
SELECT pg_cancel_backend(24544);
Visit Scheduler
Export Spec
The application sends telemetry information to Azure Application Insights which allows log queries and end-to-end request tracing across services
Show all significant prison visit events
| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler'
| where name startswith "visit-scheduler-prison"
| summarize count() by name
Available custom events
- a session template was created. It will contain the template id -
- a session template was deleted. It will contain the template id -
- a visit slot was reserved. It will contain the visit's application reference and basic information about the visit -
- a visit change was started. It will contain the visit's application reference, reference and status -
- a booked visit was being changed. It will contain the visit's application reference, reference and basic information about the visit -
- a visit was booked. It will contain the visit's application reference, reference, status and an isUpdated flag to denote if it's a new or an updated visit -
- expired visits were deleted. It will contain the list of expired application references that were deleted -
- a visit was cancelled. It will contain the visit's reference, status and outcome status -
- a visit was migrated. It will contain the visit's reference and basic information about the visit -
- indicates a visit booked event was published. It will contain the message id and visit reference -
- indicates a visit cancelled event was published. It will contain the message id and visit reference -
- indicates publish visit event failed. It will contain the available exception message and cause -
- Access Denied Error. It will contain the available exception message and cause -
- Bad Request Error. It will contain the available exception message and cause -
- Internal Error. It will contain the available exception message and cause
| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler'
| where name == 'visit-migrated'
| extend reference_ = tostring(customDimensions.reference)
| extend prisonerId_ = tostring(customDimensions.prisonerId)
| extend visitStatus_ = tostring(customDimensions.visitStatus)
| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler'
| summarize count() by name
| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler'
| summarize RequestsCount=sum(itemCount), AverageDuration=avg(duration), percentiles(duration, 50, 95, 99) by operation_Name // you can replace 'operation_Name' with another value to segment by a different property
| order by RequestsCount desc // order from highest to lower (descending)
| where cloud_RoleName == 'visit-scheduler'
| where timestamp > ago(12h)
| summarize avgRequestDuration=avg(duration) by bin(timestamp, 10m) // use a time grain of 10 minutes
| render timechart
To list project dependencies, run:
./gradlew dependencies
To check for dependency updates, run:
./gradlew dependencyUpdates --warning-mode all
To run an OWASP dependency check, run:
./gradlew clean dependencyCheckAnalyze --info
To upgrade the gradle wrapper version, run:
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=<VERSION>
To automatically update project dependencies, run:
./gradlew useLatestVersions
To run Ktlint check:
./gradlew ktlintCheck
To run Ktlint format:
./gradlew ktlintFormat
To apply ktlint styles to intellij
./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea
To register pre-commit check to run Ktlint format:
./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook
...or to register pre-commit check to only run Ktlint check:
./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea addKtlintCheckGitPreCommitHook
To run the CircleCI trivy scan locally download and install trivy, build the visit-scheduler docker image and run:
trivy image visit-scheduler_visit-scheduler