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This is a project used by the Ministry of Justice UK and agencies.


Nb. is located in .github/

Installation for development

The application uses Docker. This repository provides two separate local test environments, namely:

  1. Docker Compose
  2. Kubernetes

Where docker compose provides a pre-production environment to apply upgrades and develop features, Kubernetes allows us to test and debug our deployments to the Cloud Platform.


In a terminal, move to the directory where you want to install the application. You may then run:

git clone

Change directories:

cd intranet

Next, depending on the environment you would like to launch, choose one of the following:

1. Docker Compose

This environment has been set up to develop and improve the application.


  • Docker
  • Dory (by FreedomBen) auto-install available

The following make command will get you up and running.

It creates the environment and starts all services, the service is called php-fpm:


During the make process, the Dory proxy will attempt to install. You will be guided though an installation, if needed.


You will have ten services running in total, all with different access points. They are:



make bash

This service watches and compiles our assets, no need to access. The output of this service is available on STDOUT.

When working with JS files in the src directory it can be useful to develop from inside the node container. Using a devcontainer will allow the editor to have access to the node_modules directory, which is good for intellisense and type-safety. When using a devcontainer, first start the required services with make and then open the project in the devcontainer. Be sure to keep an eye on the node container's terminal output for any laravel mix errors.

The folder src/components is used for when it makes sense to keep a group of scss/js/php files together. The folder src/components/post-meta is an example where php is required to register fields in the backend, and js is used to register fields in the frontend.

Internally accessed by PHP-FPM on port 3306

Login information can be found in .env


We use this

Opensearch Dashboard

Dashboards that allow us to query indexed data.


Minio acts just like an AWS S3 bucket.


This service acts like a distributed CloudFront service allowing us to imitate a CDN.


In production we have a scalable cron container. It's only job right now is to make a head request to wp-cron.php There is no need to access this container. However, with every running container you can reach the OS.

docker compose exec -it wp-cron ash

There is no need to install application software on your computer.
All required software is built within the services - all services are ephemeral.


We match the process that occurs in production CI locally to ensure we test against the same criteria. As such, during development it will be necessary to rebuild directories when updating composer.

After making changes to composer.json...

make composer-update

This will fire off a set of checks, ensuring composer updates and all static assets are distributed correctly. For more information, review Dockerfile and local assets files.


There are multiple volume mounts created in this project and shared across the services. The approach has been taken to speed up and optimise the development experience.

2. Kubernetes

This environment is useful to test Kubernetes deployment scripts.

Local setup attempts to get as close to development on Cloud Platform as possible, with a production-first approach.


  • Docker
  • kubectl
  • Kind
  • Hosts file update, you could...

    sudo nano /etc/hosts
    ... on a new line, add: intranet.local

Once the above requirements have been met, we are able to launch our application by executing the following make command:

make kube

The following will take place:

  1. If running; the Dory proxy is stopped
  2. A Kind cluster is created with configuration from: deploy/config/local/cluster.yml
  3. The cluster Ingress is configured
  4. Nginx and PHP-FPM images are built
  5. Images are transferred to the Kind Control Plane
  6. Local deployment is applied using kubectl apply -f deploy/local
  7. Verifies pods using kubectl get pods -w

Access the running application here: http://intranet.local/


In the MariaDB YAML file you will notice a persistent volume claim. This will assist you in keeping application data, preventing you from having to reinstall WordPress every time you stop and start the service.


Most secrets are managed via GitHub settings

WP Keys & Salts

It is the intention that WordPress keys and salts are auto generated, before the initial GHA build stage. Lots of testing occurred yet the result wasn't desired; dynamic secrets could not be hidden in the log outputs. Due to this, secrets are managed in settings.

Kubernetes - quick command reference

# Make interaction a little easier; we can create repeatable
# variables, our namespace is the same name as the app, defined
# in ./deploy/development/deployment.tpl
# If interacting with a different stack, change the NSP var.
# For example;
# - production, change to 'intranet-prod'

# Set some vars, gets the first available pod
NSP="intranet-dev"; \
POD=$(kubectl -n $NSP get pod -l app=$NSP -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}");

# Local interaction is a little different:
# - local, change NSP to `default` and app to `intranet-local`
NSP="default"; \
POD=$(kubectl -n $NSP get pod -l app=intranet-local -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}");

After setting the above variables (via copy -> paste -> execute) the following blocks of commands will work using copy -> paste -> execute too.

# list available pods and their status for the namespace
kubectl get pods -n $NSP

# watch for updates, add the -w flag
kubectl get pods -w -n $NSP

# describe the first available pod
kubectl describe pods -n $NSP

# monitor the system log of the first pod container
kubectl logs -f $POD -n $NSP

# monitor the system log of the fpm container
kubectl logs -f $POD -n $NSP fpm

# open an interactive shell on an active pod
kubectl exec -it $POD -n $NSP -- ash

# open an interactive shell on the FPM container
kubectl exec -it $POD -n $NSP -c fpm -- ash

To access the OpenSearch dashboards, use port forwarding on the OpenSearch Proxy pod.

OS_POD=$(kubectl -n $NSP get pods  --no-headers  -o custom-columns="" |  awk '{if ($1 ~ "opensearch-proxy-cloud-platform-") print $0}');
kubectl -n $NSP port-forward $OS_POD 8181:8080

And visit the dashboards in your browser at http://localhost:8181/_dashboards

AWS setup


Create a bucket with the following settings:

  • Region: eu-west-2
  • Object Ownership:
    • ACLs enabled
    • Bucket owner preferred
  • Block all public access:
    • Block public access to buckets and objects granted through new access control lists (ACLs): NO
    • Block public access to buckets and objects granted through any access control lists (ACLs): YES
    • Block public access to buckets and objects granted through new public bucket or access point policies: YES
    • Block public and cross-account access to buckets and objects through any public bucket or access point policies: YES


Create a deployment with the following settings:

  • Cache key and origin requests
    • Legacy cache settings
      • Query strings: All

To restrict access to the Amazon S3 bucket follow the guide to implement origin access control (OAC)


For using u user's keys, create a user with a policy similar to the following:

  "Sid": "s3-bucket-access",
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Action": "s3:*",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name"

An access key can then be used for testing actions related to the S3 bucket, use env vars:


When deployed, server-roles should be used.

Verify WP Offload Media

To verify that S3 & CloudFront are working correctly.

  • Go to WP Offload Media Lite settings page. There should be green checks for Storage & Delivery settings.
  • Upload an image via Media Library.
  • Image should be shown correctly in the Media Library.
  • The img source domain should be CloudFront.
  • Directly trying to access an image via the S3 bucket url should return an access denied message.

Azure Setup

Useful links

Register an application

  1. Go to the Azure portal and sign in with your account.
  2. Click on the Microsoft Entra ID service.
  3. Click on App registrations.
  4. Click on New registration.
  5. Fill in the form (adjust to the environment):
    • Name: justicedigital-centraldigital-intranet-staging
    • Supported account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only
    • Redirect URI: Web and
      or etc.
  6. Copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID values, make them available as environment variables OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, OAUTH_TENANT_ID.
  7. Click on Certificates & secrets > New client secret.
  8. Fill in the form:
    • Description: Staging-Intranet
    • Expires: 18 months
  9. Set a reminder to update the client secret before it expires.
  10. Copy the Value value, make it available as environment variable OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET.
  11. Make a request the Identity Team, that User.Read API permissions be added to the app.

The oauth2 flow should now work with the Azure AD/Entra ID application. You can get an Access Token, Refresh Token and an expiry of the token.

Development Tenant

The App for localhost and is managed by the Identity Team.

The App is on the development tenant, any you'll need to use a development email address for access.

The OAUTH_* values are stored in a shared note in 1password. They can be copied to .env to use oauth locally.

Access control

To view the intranet content, visitors must meet one of the following criteria.

  • Be in an Allow List of IP ranges.
  • Or, have a Microsoft Azure account, within the organisation.
  • Or, in the case of the intranet-archive scraper, have a valid JWT token.

The visitor's IP is checked first, then if that check fails, they are redirected to the project's Entra application.

Auth request

This project uses nginx to serve content, either by sending requests to fpm (php) or serving static assets. We use nginx to control access to the site's content by using the ngx_http_auth_request_module.

[It] implements client authorization based on the result of a subrequest. If the subrequest returns a 2xx response code, the access is allowed. If it returns 401 or 403, the access is denied with the corresponding error code.

Documentation is found at

The internals of the /auth/verify endpoint will be explained next, for now the following diagrams show how the ngx_http_auth_request_module works.

Authorized user

For an authorized user, the internal subrequest to /auth/verify will return a 2xx status code, and the user will see the requested content.

    actor Client
    Note left of Client: Authorized user
    Client->>nginx: Content request
    nginx->>nginx (/auth/verify): Auth subrequest
    Note right of nginx (/auth/verify): Request is authorized
    nginx (/auth/verify)->>nginx: 200 response code
    nginx->>Client: Content response.

Un-authorized user

For an un-authorized user, the internal subrequest to /auth/verify will return a 401 or 403 status code, and the user will see an error page.

    actor Client
    Note left of Client: Un-authorized user
    Client->>nginx: Content request
    nginx->>nginx (/auth/verify): Auth subrequest
    Note right of nginx (/auth/verify): Request is not authorized
    nginx (/auth/verify)->>nginx: 401 response code
    nginx->>Client: Error page response.


The auth request rules can be found in the auth-request.conf.

  • auth_request sets the endpoint.
  • auth_request_set is used to set a variable, that's available after the subrequest.

This file is then included in all protected locations in nginx server.conf.

Allowed IPs

The first step in handling a subrequest to /auth/verify is comparing the client's IP address to a list of know allowed IP ranges.

To achieve this efficiently, the ngx_http_geo_module module is used.

The ngx_http_geo_module module creates variables with values depending on the client IP address.

Documentation is found at


Our implementation is in nginx server.conf.

The geo block towards the start of the file contains some module config, along with an include include /etc/nginx/geo.conf;

geo.conf is a list of IPs with group value. The file is not checked into source control, instead:

  • an enviromnet variable IPS_FORMATTED is generated during deployment, from the private ministryofjustice/moj-ip-addresses repository.
  • geo.conf is generated when nginx containers startup, based on the value of IPS_FORMATTED.

See .github/workflows/ip-ranges-configure.yml for the script that downloads and transforms the IP ranges. See deploy/config/init/ for for the nginx init script.

A flow diagram of ngx_http_auth_request_module & ngx_http_geo_module responding to a client (who has a valid IP address).

    actor Client
    Note left of Client: Has allowed IP
    Client->>nginx: Content request
    nginx->>nginx (/auth/verify): Auth subrequest
    Note right of nginx (/auth/verify): IP is verified via geo module
    nginx (/auth/verify)->>nginx: 200 response code
    nginx->>Client: Content response


Redirect to login

This diagram shows how a user without a privileged IP will be redirected to /auth/login when they first try to visit the intranet.

    actor Client
    Note left of Client: Unprivileged IP
    Client->>nginx: Content request
    nginx->>nginx (/auth/verify): Auth subrequest
    Note right of nginx (/auth/verify): geo module ⛔️
    nginx (/auth/verify)->>nginx: 401 response code
    nginx->>fpm: Load dynamic 401 page
    Note right of fpm: Generate JWT with success_url,<br/>serve document with meta/js<br/>redirect to /auth/login
    fpm->>nginx: 401, JWT & doc.
    nginx->>Client: Forward 401, JWT & doc.
    Note left of Client: User is redircted
    Client->>nginx: Request /auth/login

Handle login

This diagram shows how a user with an organisation email address will logged in via Entra.

Nginx is transparent for these requests, so it's omitted from the diagram.

    actor Client
    Note left of Client: Unprivileged IP
    Client->>fpm: Request /auth/login
    Note right of fpm: Start OAuth flow,<br/>hash state and send cookie,<br/> save pkce<br/>redirect to Entra.
    fpm->>Client: 302 & state cooke.
    Client->>Entra: Authorization URL.
    Note right of Entra: Prompt for login<br/>or use existing session.
    Entra->>Client: Redirect to callback URL
    Client->>fpm: Request /auth/callback?state=...
    Note right of fpm: Callback state is validated,<br/>refresh tokens stored<br/>JWT generated with role and expiry<br/>cleanup state cookie & pkce
    fpm->>Client: 302 to success_url or / & JWT.

Access with JWT

Here, the user has a JWT with an expiry time in the future, and a necessary role of reader.

The following diagram shows how this user will access content. The requests/responses have been omitted*, as this step is the same with or without auth.

    actor Client
    Note left of Client: Has valid JWT
    Client->>nginx: Content request
    nginx->>nginx (/auth/verify): Auth subrequest
    nginx (/auth/verify)->>fpm (moj-auth/verify.php): Handle auth subrequest
    Note right of fpm (moj-auth/verify.php): JWT is validated
    fpm (moj-auth/verify.php)->>nginx (/auth/verify): 200 response code
    nginx (/auth/verify)->>nginx: 200 response code
    Note right of nginx: ...<br/>serve content from WP<br/>or static asset*<br/>....
    nginx->>Client: Content response

Failed logins

This diagram shows how a user will not be redirected to /auth/login after too many failed login attempts.

Nginx is transparent for these requests, so it's omitted from the diagram.

    actor Client
    Note left of Client: Unprivileged IP &<br/>3 failed callback attempts
    Client->>nginx: Content request
    nginx->>nginx (/auth/verify): Auth subrequest
    Note right of nginx (/auth/verify): geo module ⛔️
    nginx (/auth/verify)->>nginx: 401 response code
    nginx->>fpm: Load dynamic 401 page
    Note right of fpm: JWT indicates too many<br/>failed login attempts  ⛔️
    fpm->>nginx: 401, JWT & doc.
    nginx->>Client: Forward 401, JWT & doc.
    Note left of Client: Static 401 error page<br/>without redirect to /auth/login ⛔️

Access control heartbeat

In the background, as a visitor is browsing, javascript is requesting the auth/heartbeat endpoint.

This is for 2 reasons:

  • It will keep the OAuth session fresh, the endpoint handler will refresh OAuth tokens, and update JWTs before they expire.
  • If a visitor's state has changed, e.g. they have moved from an office with an allowed IP, then their browser content is blurred and they are prompted to refresh the page.

Access for the Intranet Archive service.

The intranet-archive service is a scraper that collects content from the intranet for archiving purposes.

It is granted access via a JWT token, which is generated manually by running the wp gen-jwt intranet-archive command from an fpm container.

The cookie has a role of intranet-archive. For this roll to be granted access to the intranet, the request IP must be one of Cloud Platform's egress IPs.

When the JWT_SECRET is rotated, a new JWT token will need to be generated, and the Intranet Archive service will need to be updated with the new JWT.