FabricObserver 3.3.0, ClusterObserver 2.3.0 SFPkgs with Microsoft-signed binaries. Microsoft-signed Nupkgs will be located in the nuget.org gallery.
FabricObserver Changes
.NET 8 implementation of FabricObserver. This version is built for .NET 8 and SF Runtime >= 9.1 (Self-Contained FO builds only). If you have deployed SF Runtime version >= 10.1 Cumulative Update 3.0 (CU3), then you can deploy the framework-dependent release build for the target platform (Windows or Linux). If you are not running SF Runtime version >= 10.1 CU3, then you must deploy the Self-Contained release build for the target platform (Windows or Linux).
The FabricObserverWebAPI project has been completely removed and all related usage in observers removed.
FabricSystemObserver no longer monitors Windows Event Logs. Setting the related configuration values will have no effect.
ClusterObserver Changes
- .NET 8 implementation of ClusterObserver. This version is built for .NET 8 and SF Runtime >= 9.1 (Self-Contained FO builds only). If you have deployed SF Runtime version >= 10.1 Cumulative Update 3.0 (CU3), then you can deploy the framework-dependent release build for the target platform (Windows or Linux). If you are not running SF Runtime version >= 10.1 CU3, then you must deploy the Self-Contained release build for the target platform (Windows or Linux).