Releases: mesemus/django-rest-delegated-permissions
Support for custom getter of delegated objects
This getter is usable for checking permissions of "create" methods, especially in combination with rest_framework_nested.
Real world example
In the example below, EducationAreaViewSet is nested inside the StudyProgrammeViewSet (study programme has many education areas). The url of the EducationAreaViewSet is:
We want all operations on EducationArea to be checked against the containing StudyProgramme.
To differentiate the actions (such as update) on EducationArea and on StudyProgramme in permission handlers defined on StudyProgramme we map all operations on EducationArea to a virtual 'edit_education_area' action and send this to StudyProgramme permissions instead. The mapping parameter can be a dict if one needs to differentiate the actions.
from rest_delegated_permissions import DelegatedPermission, kwargs_delegated_object_getter
from rest_framework_nested import routers
from angular_dynamic_forms import AngularFormMixin, autocomplete, AutoCompleteMixin
DelegatedPermission(perms, 'programmes', mapping='edit_education_area',
{'programmes': 'programme_pk'}
class EducationAreaViewSet(AutoCompleteMixin, AngularFormMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
# its 'programmes' m2m point to StudyProgramme model
model = EducationArea
serializer_class = EducationAreaSerializer
perms={..., 'edit_education_area', ...}),
perms={... 'edit_education_area' ...})
class StudyProgrammeViewSet(...)
programmes_router = DefaultRouter()
programmes_router.register(r'programmes', StudyProgrammeViewSet)
education_area_router = routers.NestedSimpleRouter(programmes_router,
r'accreditations/study_programme/programmes', lookup='programme')
education_area_router.register(r'education-areas', EducationAreaViewSet,
Reusing queryset
Reusing queryset if it is declared on a viewset
initial release to pypi
0.5.5 Merge branch 'master' of…