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Getting started

To get started with this template, first install the npm dependencies:

pnpm install

Next, create a .env.local file in the root of your project and set the NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL variable to your site's public URL:


Next, run the development server:

pnpm run dev

Finally, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the website.


You can start editing this template by modifying the files in the /src folder. The site will auto-update as you edit these files.

Learn more

  • Tailwind CSS - the official Tailwind CSS documentation
  • Next.js - the official Next.js documentation
  • Headless UI - the official Headless UI documentation
  • MDX - the MDX documentation


-[x] Update landing page to look like my current website (doing) -[x] Update nav -[x] Polish design to be ultra slick -[] Photography gallery: -[] Projects / case study update -[] setup cms like payload, or just go local lol -[] inspiration: -[] 3d badge: