The LiDAR Testing Framework (lidartf) aims to provide the tools necessary to assess of methodologies/tools developed to process LiDAR data.
This is still a work in progress, requiring some polishing to improve user-friendliness and additional testing data. Also, new tests, for different types of processing, will be added over time.
The LiDAR Testing Framework is being developed as part of my PhD research, supervised by Dr. Mat Disney, in the Department of Geography at University College London (UCL). My research is funded through Science Without Borders from the National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (10.13039/501100003593) – Brazil (Process number 233849/2014-9).
Any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me using one of the following e-mails: [email protected] or [email protected]
mayavi>=4.5.0 numpy>=1.11.3 pandas>=0.19.2 setuptools>=36.0.1
- Matheus Boni Vicari ([email protected] or [email protected])