This repo contains scripts that I frequenctly use in genome assembly analysis. and are used for diagnosis of assemblies. and are used to parse output from tigmint molecule to break assemblies in regions where 10X barcode coverage drops. is used to build assembly scaffolds based on linkage information. Two files are needed: a fasta file with assembled sequences to build scaffolds from, and a tab delimited text file that contains the linkage information. This file should look like, e.g.:
contig1f contig34r
contig2r contig12f contig4f
Each line represents a new scaffold. The contig names need to match the input fasta headers, except the final character that needs to be f or r for forward or reverse, to indicate the orientation that the contig should have in the scaffold. If a line contains a single contig name, only this contig will be put into the scaffold, but will be reverse complemented if the final character is r. is overlap-aware, meaning that it will try to find overlaps between the ends of contigs before building the scaffold. Use to merge sequences in a multiple sequence alignment in fasta format. Sequences are merged when they have the same header, up until "@". The header should contain e.g. a taxon name followed by @ and a sequence name. Script is useful when there are several representative sequences from a single taxon, e.g. because the gene is fragmented, and you want to have a single sequence per taxon for phylogenomics. Accepts both amino acid and nucleotide sequences. When there are mismatches between the sequences to be merged, a residue is arbitrarily picked, and the script lets out a warning.